Folder TRIZCON2019 - Draft Papers


document New Diffraction Approach in Knee Joints Surgery based on TRIZ Popular

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New Diffraction Approach in Knee Joints Surgery based on TRIZ - Abstract.docx

Abstract:  Boris Farber.046
Diffraction makes it possible to determine the position of the instantaneous center of rotation of the knee joint by directly projecting images from a positive film on the screen in coherent light.
On both sides of the knee joint on the thigh and lower leg strengthen point sources of light. Then the lower leg is turned relative to the thigh. At the same time point sources of light describe in space some curves that are photographed on film. The image is reduced several times on a positive film, resulting in arcuate slits. A positive film with slits is illuminated by a flat wave of coherent light. Diffraction bands are obtained on the screen, the point of intersection of the diffraction rays is a projection of the instantaneous centers of rotation of the knee joint. In order to obtain a high-quality image of the intersection of the rays after diffraction, and in order to calculate the reduction ratio of the image, the slit is taken into consideration: the width of the path of the point source on the film to decrease; the radius of curvature of the path of the point source to decrease; the distance from the positive film to the screen; and the wavelength of coherent radiation.
The position of the instantaneous center of rotation of the joint with a fixed thigh is determined. Filming the movement of light sources produced in the dark and opening the shutter of the camera at the time of flexion of the joint allows for a positive image to be obtained in two stages with a gradual reduction on the camera and photo stamp using high-resolution photographic plates.
The proposed method makes it possible to determine the position of the instantaneous center of rotation of the knee joint by directly projecting images from a positive film on the screen in coherent light. This allows you to exclude complex constructions and calculations.

Author: Boris Farber


Job: CEO
Organization: Noigel, LLC; TRIZ Biopharma International, LLC, TRIZ Universal Consulting, Inc; Farber Center, New York;
Area of Expertise: Bioengineering, Biotechnology, Biomechanics, TRIZ, Pedagogy

About the Author(s)
Dr. Boris Farber, Professor, Ph.D., D.Sc.; Academician; Vice President of European Academy of Natural Sciences; Chairman of USA division of European Academy of Sciences; CEO of corporations: Noigel, LLC.; TRIZ Biopharma International, LLC.; TRIZ Universal Consulting, Inc.; QuaziVita International Corp; Farber’s Center for Academic Success, Inc., etc. Professor and Scientist of the Years 2010-2018 (USA).
Dr. Farber has authored more than 1000 inventions, books, publications and presentations all over the World. His pioneer inventions are based on TRIZ, including self-adjusted and self-organized dynamical systems in many areas of Bioengineering and Biotechnologies, including the first dynamic drugs in the World with variable structure and synergy.

2. Science – Scientific Research Projects, Scientific-Engineering Projects

pdf Update8 2 TRIZ Owner Popular


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document Combining TRIZ with Another Advanced Innovation System to more easily Teach throughout Universities Popular

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Combining TRIZ with Another Advanced Innovation System to more easily Teach throughout Universities.docx

Abstract: Bob King.059 2
From 1985 to 1995, the author led a think tank of thirty of the US’s largest corporations to consider how best to convert Japanese TQC into American TQM. In 1991, the group of corporations asked the author to research the best in creativity and innovation to yield them more dramatic improvements more quickly and to solve the problems no one had been able to solve.
As it turned out, there were two such systems. The first one is TRIZ which grew out of a study of the most inventive patents in Russia. The second one was developed by an engineering firm in Germany. This firm in the 1970s had asked Europe’s largest employers to bring their toughest unsolved problems to workshops in Germany. They gathered a wide array of innovative tools and approaches and determined which tools worked best on which problems. Companies were thrilled when they found their problems were solved.
One of the teams that conducted the German workshops, Helmut Schlicksupp, was asked to develop a train the trainer program and he taught the tools to over 250,000 business leaders throughout Europe.
The author asked Helmut to help him create initially 7 tool boxes and then the core seven tools and began to teach these initially in the states and then throughout the world (see bio).
One of the most difficult challenges facing the TRIZ community is how to get the tools widely taught in universities. Some of the case studies of successes have pointed to combining TRIZ with other advanced innovation systems. It seems to me that the German system is compatible and may help accelerate the spread of TRIZ. This is further enhanced by hoshin kanri a form of strategic planning which helps focus design and in many cases cuts design time in half. This is often integrated with the design system Quality Function Deployment which focuses the design on customer and engineering priorities.
This TRIZCON workshop will present a model of how this might work. It is also designed to be highly interactive to get many ideas of the contradictions that are holding back universities and to generate better ideas on how to spread TRIZ in universities.

Author: Robert Earl King


Job: Vice President
Organization: IAQ International Academy of Quality
Area of Expertise: Advanced strategy, innovation, and design

About the Author(s)
Bob King has spent his life researching and teaching advanced quality, innovation, and design. After getting a Masters in Education from Boston University in 1972, he was director of Human Resources at Malden Mills for ten years. From 1978 to 2017, he was founder and CEO of GOAL/QPC. His company published over 50 books on improvement and sold 16 Million in print and over 100 million online. 
He was mentored by W. Edwards Deming from 1981 to 1985. During this time he studied the Japanese management system which Deming had initiated in 1950. King was one of the first to bring the Japanese design methods to the US and around the world. From 1985 to 1995, King led a study group of 30 US Fortune 50 companies to customize Japanese TQC into American TQM. Starting in 1991, he introduced the Russian TRIZ Innovation System and the German advanced innovation systems to the Fortune 30 companies and others.
He is currently involved in applying the advanced innovation to the UN 17 sustainable goals (eliminate poverty, hunger, improve healthcare and education, etc.) and helping a network of universities around the world to add advanced innovation and design to their core curriculum.
King currently serves as Vice-president of the International Academy of Quality where he is responsible for healthcare improvement and publications.
King has written three books: Better Designs in Half the Time (advanced design), Hoshin Planning (advanced strategic planning) Idea Edge (the advanced German innovation system). Parts of the Idea edge are now used in preparing companies for national Quality Innovation award in Finland 2007, Estonia (2010), Sweden (2011), Latvia (2012), Czech Republic and Hungary (2013), Israel and Kazakhstan (2014), Basque Country-Spain and Lithuania (2015), China (2016), Russian and Spain (2017), Botswana, Rwanda, South Africa, Swaziland and Zimbabwe (2018), and Serbia (2019).
King is in the process of moving to South Bend, Indiana.

3. Education – Schools, University, training for working specialists

document Improving Diabetes care using TRIZ to Eliminate Contradictions Popular

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Improving Diabetes care using TRIZ to Eliminate Contradictions.docx

Abstract: Bob King.059
Diabetes, Asthma, cardiovascular and depression (chronic illnesses) represent 50% of the cost of healthcare in the United States. Improving the health of these patients will traditionally result in loss of income for doctors, hospitals, pharmacy companies and insurance carriers. This contradiction of improving health leading to a financial loss for many providers had in the past provided a difficult problem to solve. 
TRIZ made it possible to clarify and solve this problem by identifying the contradictions and helping come up with ways to eliminate the contradictions resulting in a solution that made great improvements in health and creating the opportunity for providing more income for providers. Medicare now has a policy that if diabetics and some other patients leave the hospital and return in less than 30 days, they will be treated, but the hospital will not be paid. 
This has led to the hospital hiring pharmacists who can assure the meds are right, so patients take the meds, get control of their diabetes without side effects and don’t need to return to the hospital. Hospitals also make money on the extra pharmacy they provide to these patients. More billions of dollars for hospitals, fewer billions of dollars paid by Medicare because of reduced hospital visits and healthier lives for diabetics and others. Another great TRIZ success!
As of this writing, Pharmacy companies are raising the cost of insulin at an increasing rate. This will provide more TRIZ opportunities for improving health while reducing costs.

Author: Robert Earl King

Job: V.P. International Academy of Quality
Organization: IAQ
Area of Expertise: Advanced design, innovation & quality

About the Author(s)
Bob King has spent his life researching and teaching advanced quality, innovation, and design. After getting a Masters in Education from Boston University in 1972, he was director of Human Resources at Malden Mills for ten years. From 1978 to 2017, he was founder and CEO of GOAL/QPC. His company published over 50 books on improvement and sold 16 Million in print and over 100 million online. 
He was mentored by W. Edwards Deming from 1981 to 1985. During this time he studied the Japanese management system which Deming had initiated in 1950. King was one of the first to bring the Japanese design methods to the US and around the world. From 1985 to 1995, King led a study group of 30 US Fortune 50 companies to customize Japanese TQC into American TQM. Starting in 1991, he introduced the Russian TRIZ Innovation System and the German advanced innovation systems to the Fortune 30 companies and others.
He is currently involved in applying the advanced innovation to the UN 17 sustainable goals (eliminate poverty, hunger, improve healthcare and education, etc.) and helping a network of universities around the world to add advanced innovation and design to their core curriculum.
King currently serves as Vice-president of the International Academy of Quality where he is responsible for healthcare improvement and publications.
King has written three books: Better Designs in Half the Time (advanced design), Hoshin Planning (advanced strategic planning) Idea Edge (the advanced German innovation system). Parts of the Idea edge are now used in preparing companies for national Quality Innovation award in Finland 2007, Estonia (2010), Sweden (2011), Latvia (2012), Czech Republic and Hungary (2013), Israel and Kazakhstan (2014), Basque Country-Spain and Lithuania (2015), China (2016), Russian and Spain (2017), Botswana, Rwanda, South Africa, Swaziland and Zimbabwe (2018), and Serbia (2019).
King is in the process of moving to Innovation Park in South Bend, Indiana.

7. Other

document Introduction to the Practice of Innovation Education in Chinese Universities Popular

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Introduction to the Practice of Innovation Education in Chinese Universities.docx

Abstract: Dr. Li Huangye.049
After forty years of rapid development, China has gained remarkable economic achievements. The gaps between products made in China and those in developed countries are gradually narrowing in terms of both quality and performance; some China-manufactured products have even achieved leadership in the world. In an effort to develop more innovative talents for social and technical advances, an increasing number of Chinese universities have been making explorations in innovation education. Since 2017, we have been cooperating with Tsinghua University to offer courses on innovation methods to students in different departments. After several semesters of practice and exploration, we have gained some useful experience. This article introduces in detail the model of university innovation education as well as the results we have achieved. Furthermore, the problems with the existing innovation education and its future development are also discussed in the article.

Author: Dr. Li Huangye

Co-author(s): Dr. Wang Jian

Job: CTO of IMA-InnoCloud (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd, the innovation consultant of E-Cube (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd, an innovation instructor of Tsinghua University
Organization: IMA-InnoCloud (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd 
Area of Expertise: TRIZ Consultant, researcher, scientist, teacher

About the Author(s)

Li Huangye, Ph.D., Saint-Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics, Level-3 Expert of the International TRIZ Association. 
Dr. Li is now CTO of IMA-InnoCloud (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd and the innovation consultant of E-Cube (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. Since 2017, he has also worked as an innovation instructor for Tsinghua University, offering innovation courses to post-graduate students of the Department of Electrical Engineering, the Department of Electronic Engineering and the School of Economics and Management.
Having more than 10 years of experience in TRIZ theoretical research and practical application, Dr. Li has provided innovation theory training and consulting services to companies such as Baosteel, Midea, Hisense, Xiamen Jianlin, etc. 
From 2012, he started active promotion of innovation education for adolescents. With the support of the Shanghai College of Science of Technology, he has been offering courses on innovation thinking at various schools in Shanghai. Those courses were selected as the premium innovation courses by the Education Bureau of Shanghai Huangpu District. 

3. Education – Schools, University, training for working specialists

document Innovation Courses for Adolescents in Shanghai Popular

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Innovation Courses for Adolescents in Shanghai.docx

Abstract: Dr. Li Huangye.049
Shanghai is one of the most developed areas in China, and provides the highest standard of conventional education in the country. In PISA2012 (Program for International Student Assessment), which assessed the capabilities of middle school students of 64 countries and regions, the mathematical, reading and scientific capabilities of Shanghai junior middle school students ranked the highest. In this context, I started to offer innovation courses at several middle schools in Shanghai from 2012. These courses are designed according to the physiological characteristics, knowledge structure and cognitive level of students of two age groups, one from the 3rd to the 5th grades (8-12 years old) and the other from the 9th to the 11th grades (15-17 years old). Aiming at maximizing students’ innovation ability, the courses comprise three parts: creative works appreciation, innovation knowledge teaching, and group discussion. The innovation courses have been offered for 7 years, and achievements have been obtained. Most importantly, these courses have brought fun to students and improved their knowledge and innovative thinking capability.

Author: Dr. Li Huangye


Job: CTO of IMA-InnoCloud (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd, the innovation consultant of E-Cube (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd, an innovation instructor of Tsinghua University
Organization: IMA-InnoCloud (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd
Area of Expertise: TRIZ Consultant, researcher, scientist, teacher

About the Author(s)
Li Huangye, Ph.D., Saint-Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics, Level-3 Expert of the International TRIZ Association. 
Dr. Li is now CTO of IMA-InnoCloud (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd and the innovation consultant of E-Cube (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. Since 2017, he has also worked as an innovation instructor for Tsinghua University, offering innovation courses to post-graduate students of the Department of Electrical Engineering, the Department of Electronic Engineering and the School of Economics and Management.
Having more than 10 years of experience in TRIZ theoretical research and practical application, Dr. Li has provided innovation theory training and consulting services to companies such as Baosteel, Midea, Hisense, Xiamen Jianlin, etc. 
From 2012, he started active promotion of innovation education for adolescents. With the support of the Shanghai College of Science of Technology, he has been offering courses on innovation thinking at various schools in Shanghai. Those courses were selected as the premium innovation courses by the Education Bureau of Shanghai Huangpu District. 

3. Education – Schools, University, training for working specialists

document 3D Printers and ideas of G. Altov novel “The Third Millennium.” Popular

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3D Printers and ideas of G.docx

Abstract: Isak Bukhman.047
During my short visit in Tianjin (December 2018)), Professor Runhua Tan showed me (Isak) his new 3D Printer in his National Engineering Research Center for Technological Innovation Method and Tool. Image of the 3D printer and one of G. Altov (G.S. Altshuller) science-fiction ideas triggered me to start to think about the magic machine, which will be able to create any system from atomic to Super-Macro level from any available substances-gases-fields. But we have to at first to select an existing prototype as a starting point and try to create an ideal image(s) of such a machine. 3D Printer was selected as a prototype and the TRIZ laws of system development were used to start this project.
Short description of G. Altov science-fiction idea: “Rebuilding the ship, the DS-operator created amazingly graceful and laconic shapes. 
“The surrounded dust-gas looks a little like a homogeneous cloud. On the standard capsule, DS-operator creates the construction by using the substance of cloud: reactor, engine, housing with residential and cargo compartments, protective screens, and then everything could be changed and rebuild depending on the parameters of flight and the state of external fields. 
The dust-gas cloud gives unlimited amounts of energy and substance; everything else depends on the skill of the DS-operator. When the flight is finished, the design is sprayed, and from the ship, which is often more than a hundred kilometers long, remains a small standard capsule, ready to become a ship again.” 

Author: Isak Bukhman


Job: Consultant
Organization: TRIZ Solutions LLC
Area of Expertise:

About the Author(s)
TRIZ Master, President, and Consultant of TRIZ Solutions LLC (USA), President of Altshuller Institute for TRIZ Studies, honorary director of Chinese National Engineering Research Center for Technological Innovation Methods and Tools, senior consultant of Chongqing Innovation Method Society, honorary member of Leibniz Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies (LIFIS).
As their chief methodologist, Isak spent almost ten years at Invention Machine Corporation (IMC-IHS) while the company established its global reputation. He now works as an independent consultant and is an owner of TRIZ Solutions, LLC.
TRIZ Solutions LLC is a consulting company that offers the complete array of TRIZ Technology for Innovation products and services to companies from any industry by using a system of training, project facilitation, consultant preparation, and support in the creation of Centers of Innovation. TRIZ Solutions LLC helps to realize the privilege and obligation each member of our society has to be a creative person and to live a successful and happy life. 
During recent years, Isak has been active delivering TRIZ training workshops and guiding the development of more than 100 innovation projects for more than 40 leading global Corporations, Institutes, and Universities. 
Isak’s work has also included the delivery of numerous basic and advanced training seminars (some together with Genrich Altshuller), education and training of thousands of managers, engineers and researchers in TRIZ/Value Methodology, and – closest to his heart – seven years of child and adolescent creativity (TRIZ) education in his native Latvia. It was a long way from a team of 12-year-old students to a specialized TRIZ K11 elementary-middle-high school of Lomonosov name in Riga.

7. Other

document Scientific Notions Popular

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Scientific Notions.docx

Abstract: Yuliy S. Murashkovsky .031
Any of our notions, including scientific ones (SN), have a systemic nature. They form a hierarchy of notions; they develop according to immanent laws. Most of these laws are similar to the laws of development of Technical Systems (TS) and Art Systems (AS). 
The laws of uneven development, increasing the degree of ideality, transition to the super-system and other laws are also characteristic of SN systems. 
However, there are specific features. For example, SNs form a large group, each of which is gradually filled with scientific models of the same type, and then abruptly goes into another group of notions. 
In each scientific direction, the transition from a set of ideas to a single science begins with the identification of the minimal model of the phenomenon under study. A huge role in the formation of scientific notions plays a system of notions of a higher rank. Therefore, in the presence of unsolvable contradictions in this SN system, it is necessary to be able to overcome supermodels. For this, a number of techniques were revealed. 
Similarly to the system of standards for TS, a number of typical patterns for the development of notions have been identified in the SN system.
On the basis of the revealed regularities, some forecasts were made for the development of some existing sciences and the emergence of new sciences.
All this allows us to speak of a unified theory of the development of systems of scientific notions. A book is on the way. 

Author: Yuliy S. Murashkovsky


Job: TRIZ master, Master of Chemistry, professor
Organization: Baltic International Academy (Latvia-Riga)
Area of Expertise:

About the Author(s)
Yuliy S. Murashkovsky
TRIZ master, Master of Chemistry, professor of RISEBA and Baltic International Academy (Latvia-Riga).
Born 07.07.1952 in Luhansk, Ukrainian SSR. Practices TRIZ since 1974.

Conducts independent research since 1979. Published two books, several manuals for teachers, and a number of articles. Some of the materials can be found on 

2. Science – Scientific Research Projects, Scientific-Engineering Projects

document Multi-flow Problem Mining and Solving Process Model for Complex Electromechanical Product Popular

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Multi-flow Problem Mining and Solving Process Model for Complex Electromechanical Product.docx

Abstract: Jianhui Zhang
Complex electromechanical products are the inevitable outcome of the development of modern science and technology. Its design and development have important strategic significance for improving the international competitiveness of the industry and strengthening the national economic strength. The main features and functions of complex electromechanical products are reflected in the information flow, material flow, and energy flow. The material flow is the carrier of energy flow, and at the same time, it generates motion driven by energy. Both the material flow and energy flow are carried out under the control and high synergy of information flow. However, while each sub-system realizes unique functions through the mutual transfer and transformation of material flow, energy flow, and information flow, the flow attribute and type change will have a negative effect on other flows, and these negative effects will make the flow unable to work together, resulting in unexpected flow occurs, causing many problems such as functional defects, weak functions, functional failures or singular conditions in the operation of the product.
To solve an innovative problem, the problem should be identified firstly. Starting from the interaction relationship between material flow, energy flow and information flow of complex electromechanical products, the mutual transfer and evolution relationship between each flow is studied, and multiple potential flow problems between flows are discovered and analyzed. Furthermore, the derivative mechanism of multi-flow problems in complex electromechanical products will be revealed.
To facilitate the analysis and resolution of the problem, the standardized description of the problem is very important. According to the extension theory correlation analysis method, the correlation between the multi-flow problems is determined, and the related network is transformed into the form of the network to construct the multi-flow problem network process model. Then, by transforming the flow problem into a flow conflict problem and solving it with the TRIZ theory, it is expected to form an effective method to solve the problem of can't work well due to flow problems between material flow, energy flow and information flow of complex electromechanical products.
At present, in the process of solving innovative problems based on TRIZ, solving a pair of conflicts often dominates the solution direction. However, in the process of innovative design of complex electromechanical products, the complexity of design problems is gradually increasing, and there are often multiple pairs of mutual constraints and overlapping conflicts, which will even change dynamically with the progress of the problem solving process and become more difficult to solve. Traditional TRIZ conflict resolution tools have limitations for such multi-conflict problems.
Given the above problems, this paper studies the multi-flow problem mining and solving methods of complex electromechanical products, including the mechanism of multi-flow problem generation, multi-flow problem mining method, multi-stream conflict network transformation and multi-flow conflict resolution. Then, a multi-flow problem mining and solving process model for complex electromechanical product innovation are formed, and a typical complex electromechanical product is used as an example to carry out theoretical verification and application.

Author: Jianhui Zhang

Co-author(s): Juan Wang, Runhua Tan

Job: Professor
Organization: National Technological Innovation Methods and Tools Engineering Research Center, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin, China
Area of Expertise: Mechanical engineering

About the Author(s)
Jianhui Zhang, male, born in 1974, professor, doctor of engineering, master tutor. The director of the department of mechanical engineering, school of mechanical engineering, Hebei University of technology, a key member of national technological innovation methods and tools engineering research center, and vice president of Hebei Institute of Engineering Technology Innovation.

document Development of Art Systems Popular

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Development of Art Systems

Abstract: Yuliy S. Murashkovsky .031
The laws of the structure and development of systems can be divided into two groups - related to the structure and related to the material of systems. The first is generally similar for all systems. The latter may differ.
Characteristic for art systems (AS) are the laws of uneven development, increasing the degree of ideality, transition to a super-system, lowering the rank of an instrument, dynamization, and others. 
To solve contradictions in AS, except for those known in TRIZ, a method of the division, by comparison, is often used.
The structure of AS is similar to the structure of technical systems (TS). TS consists of an energy source, transmission, working part and a regulatory part. AS consists of a theme, a carrier, a means of expression (ME) and a regulatory element (RE). 
AS themes also evolve according to their own regularities. The presentation considers one of the important stages in the development of the themes - the transition to anti-theme. 
Characteristic for the development of ME is, like for any other systems, uneven development, increasing the degree of ideality, and others.
RE allows you to use the same AS for communicating other topics, including anti themes.
All this allows us to identify standard solutions to problems in AS, similar to the system of standards in TS. To date, 12 such "standards" are known.
All this allows us to speak of a unified theory of the development of AS. The theory allows not only to solve specific problems in art but also to predict its further development. A book about this was published in 2007 in Russian.

Author: Yuliy S. Murashkovsky


Job: TRIZ master, Master of Chemistry, professor
Organization: Baltic International Academy (Latvia-Riga)
Area of Expertise:

About the Author(s)
Yuliy S. Murashkovsky
TRIZ master, Master of Chemistry, professor of RISEBA and Baltic International Academy (Latvia-Riga).
Born 07.07.1952 in Luhansk, Ukrainian SSR. Practices TRIZ since 1974. Conducts independent research since 1979. Published two books, several manuals for teachers, and some articles. Some of the materials can be found on

6. Art Systems – poetry, musical compositions, theatrical performance, painting, literature...

document A TRIZ-based Approach to Enhance Safety-Levels of Unmanned Aerial Systems for Urban Operations Popular

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A TRIZ-based Approach to Enhance Safety-Levels of Unmanned Aerial Systems .docx

A TRIZ-based Approach to Enhance Safety-Levels of Unmanned Aerial Systems for Urban Operations

Abstract: Aravindh A V.52
Abstract — Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are fast-finding increased utility in the modern world, with potential application use-cases far beyond what has been imagined thus far. At the same time, their practical employment over high-risk environments such as urban scapes has been constrained for want of ‘safety assurance’; an attribute that is yet to manifest in a holistic sense, both in the system, and system-of-systems level solutions available today despite several enabling technologies have existed for quite some time.

In this project, an exploration of the problem and solution spaces has been undertaken using a combination of TRIZ and Safety Engineering methods. Some fundamental contradictions in the safety vs. performance trade-space have been identified and resolved, often by the rigorous application of TRIZ-methods, quantitative modeling and wherever possible, improvising on other solutions that have been proposed in the literature.

Finally, a rudimentary Decision Support Framework is presented that can be used by UAV OEMs to help prioritize and incorporate some of the solutions identified in this work in future systems. Though adopting just these solutions is not expected to enable urban UAS operations de-facto, the solutions are expected to help in advancing the status-quo towards the desired goal. Further, it is expected to be an illustration of infusing quantitative decision-making techniques, the TRIZ-style.

Author: Aravindh A V

Co-author(s): Dr. Kartik B. Ariyur (Continuing Lecturer, Purdue University)

Job: Graduate Student
Organization: Purdue University
Area of Expertise: Systems Engineering - Aeronautical Systems

About the Author(s)
Mr. A V Aravindh is a graduate student pursuing his Masters in Interdisciplinary Engineering from Purdue University. He has over 6 years of professional experience as a Systems Engineer and has worked on manned and unmanned aircraft in various life-cycle phases. The design of innovative products using a combination of conventional (e.g., design domain) and modern disciplines (e.g., systems engineering and design thinking) has been an area of special interest to him. In this work, the authors explore a case-example of the practical application of TRIZ and engineering decision-making methods to solve a relevant high-technology problem.

Kartik Ariyur (Ph.D., Mechanical Eng., 2002) has solved problems of increasing available energy, reducing inefficiency, overhead, and risk in both engineering and social systems. His research straddles most engineering disciplines, as seen from his publications (with 2807 Google citations /1394 Research gate citations) and patents in the industry (17 issued and several more pending). He is on the Editorial boards of several reputed journals including IEEE Control Systems Letters.

1. Industry - Industrial Manufacturing, Automotive, Oil & Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Life Sciences, Aerospace, Military & Defense, Biotechnology, etc.

document An Introduction to the Design Culture Popular

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An Introduction to the Design Culture

Abstract: Li Jiayang.001
Abstract: This paper discusses the design culture to improve the user experience. Based on the epistemology and ontology methods, grasping the main contradiction of design culture, it is proposed that culture is the source of design culture, the design is the theory of designing cultural flow, and discusses the contents of design, culture, design culture and the functions of design culture. The basic category, theoretical system framework, main role, and development trend of design culture are put forward. The design culture must conform to the needs of social development and transformation such as new retail, promote cultural consciousness, accelerate design innovation, establish a big design concept; establish a theoretical system of design culture, create a discipline of design culture. To achieve cultural orientation, policy measures, priority training, and industrial goals. Our discussion lays a foundation for the study of design culture and the application of design in new eras such as the new retail. 
Keywords: user experience, design, culture, cloud design, design culture, design education 

Author: Li Jiayang


Job: Associate researcher
Organization: Northwestern Polytechnical University
Area of Expertise: TRIZ education, TRIZ competition

About the Author(s)
• Assistant Researcher, Northwestern Polytechnical University, School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Department of Industrial Design, China 
• Visiting Scholar, Computer Engineering, University of Houston, USA
• Visiting Scholar (Short time) Rice University, USA

Academic organization
• China Innovation Design Industry Strategic Alliance, Assistant Director, Big Data Expert Committee 
• China Innovation Design Industry Strategic Alliance, Member, Human-Computer Interaction Expert Committee 
• Standing Director, Silk Road Innovation Design Industry Alliance, Deputy Director, Big Data Expert Committee 
• Member, UXPA(China); Member of IEEE;

• Postdoctoral, Zhejiang University, School of Computer Science and Technology, China,
Major: Design Science
• Ph.D., Northwestern Polytechnical University, China, Major: Computer Aided Industrial Design
• Master, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China, Major: Computer Aided Industrial Design
• Master, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China, Major: Applied Economics(E-financial)
• Bachelor, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China, Major: Communication Engineering

Professional research direction: 
Industrial design; innovative design; user experience design; Big data product-service design; cloud design; intelligent design and human-computer interaction; human factors engineering; signal processing. Published more than ten articles on “Cloud Design” papers at China and abroad, and published many core journal articles such as “Re-discussion on Cloud Design.” Write and participate in some monographs. In charge and participated in many national research projects such as the National “863” Program, the National Science and Technology Support Program, the China Academy of Engineering Major Consulting Project, the China Academy of Engineering Key Project, the Provincial and Municipal Natural and Social Science Fund, and the Enterprise Cooperation P.

5. Blockchain – applications with TRIZ innovations

document An Introduction of Innovation Lab Share Platform Network System Design Popular

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An Introduction of Innovation Lab Share Platform Network System Design

Abstract: Lu Jixiang.018
This innovative experiment sharing platform involves more than 10 disciplines of the sample college, more than 30 laboratories, more than 40 basic experimental courses and nearly 100 kinds of experiments. To meet the characteristics of modern disciplines and laboratory construction: "cross-integration of true knowledge! Virtual and real-world experiments!" to improve the efficiency of the use of instruments and equipment in various universities, scientific allocation of resources, open sharing, support the smooth construction and efficient operation of innovative experimental sharing platform And the level of informatization and network management, aiming at the true opening and sharing of various teaching and experimental resources. Adhering to the principle of construction and research, first-class features, shared openness, efficient operation, innovative development of experimental sharing platform construction management principles, adhere to the basic principles of open sharing, efficient operation, and innovative development. The innovation experiment sharing platform network system (Innovation Lab Platform Network System, referred to as ILPNS) planning and construction are proposed.

Keywords: innovative lab, design, share, cross-integration, virtual education 

Author: Lu Jixiang


Job: Associate Professor
Organization: Northwestern Polytechnical University
Area of Expertise: TRIZ education, TRIZ competition

About the Author(s)
Industrial design; innovative design; user experience design; Big data product service design; cloud design; intelligent design and human-computer interaction; human factors engineering; signal processing. 
Published more than ten articles on “Cloud Design” papers at China and abroad, and published many core journal articles such as “Re-discussion on Cloud Design.” Write and participate in some monographs. In charge and participated in many national research projects such as the National “863” Program, the National Science and Technology Support Program, the China Academy of Engineering Major Consulting Project, the China Academy of Engineering Key Project, the Provincial and Municipal Natural and Social Science Fund, and the Enterprise Cooperation Project. Obtain some appearance patents and software copyrights. As the earliest proposed "cloud design - a new model of industrial design" innovation theory and research methods, the research results have been original and strong application promotion value through the evaluation of many experts in this discipline.

6. Art Systems – poetry, musical compositions, theatrical performance, painting, literature...

document Design of Tomato Picking Device based on TRIZ Popular

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Design of Tomato Picking Device based on TRIZ.docx

Abstract: Hao Meng.028

Design of Tomato Picking Device based on TRIZ
Hao Meng1, Jun Hu1, Yanwei Wang2
(1. Department of Engineering, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University,
, Daqing 163319;
2.Mechanical Engineering ,Purdue University,West Lafayette, IN 47907-2066, west lafayette IN47906)
Abstract: To solve the damage of the epidermis caused by mechanical contact picking of tomato, a new type of tomato picking device, keeping the whole fruit, is designed. It consists of a separation mechanism, a positioning mechanism, and a bearing mechanism. The separation mechanism of the picking device needs to be designed with the crank-slider mechanism though TRIZ contradiction analysis, and the positioning mechanism adopts the rack and pinion mechanism applied object field analysis, and the bearing mechanism plays a supporting and guiding role to the positioning mechanism and the separating mechanism. Finally, a comparison of various solutions,A new tomato picking manipulator is designed. According to the characteristics of the tomato plant at the end of the platycodon, the growth node is connected with the fruit. Thus the tomato fruit and the platycodon is pulled into the separation mechanism by the positioning mechanism; the separation mechanism pulled the tomato platycodon node again. Recently results show that the equipment has a better ability to pick tomatoes and avoid surface damage during the picking process, and the simple structure increases the overall reliability.
Keywords: picking device; TRIZ; tomato

Author: Hao Meng

Co-author(s): Jun Hu, Yanwei Wang

Job: Postgraduate
Organization: Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University
Area of Expertise: Agricultural Technology, Robot Technology

About the Author(s)
Hao Meng, born in 1988, is a lecturer. In 2012, he graduated from the Harbin Institute of Petroleum and stayed as an experimental teacher. During his tenure, he designed and manufactured some biomimetic robots and applied for national patents. In 2015, he worked as a mechanical teacher at Anda City Senior Technical School. During his tenure, he studied robot development technology based on 3D printing technology. In 2018, he was admitted to the Bayi Agricultural University of Heilongjiang Province to study for a master's degree in agriculture。

1. Industry - Industrial Manufacturing, Automotive, Oil & Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Life Sciences, Aerospace, Military & Defence, Biotechnology, etc.

document Optimization of Hydraulic Press Frame Based on TRIZ Theory Popular

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Optimization of hydraulic press frame based on TRIZ theory.docx

Abstract: Qingyuan Wei.027
The body design of a hydraulic press must follow the principle of infinite life. The infinite life of the key components is the premise of the infinite life of the hydraulic press body. It means that there should not be any high stress occurring in the main components. By the analysis of large finite element software MSC. Marc, it is determined that there are high stresses distribution between the pre-tightened beam and the C form plate of the key components under the condition of preload and center working load. To reduce the high local stress of key components, the final ideal solution of TRIZ innovative method theory is used to obtain the optimization schemes, and the plane mathematical and finite element models of key components are established for the optimization schemes. After the analysis and comparison, the ideal system is obtained. The analysis results show that the optimized hydraulic press frame can decrease the high local stress on contact surfaces in different degree to the original structure.

Author: Qingyuan Wei


Job: teacher
Organization: Harbin Institute of  Petroleum
Area of Expertise: Mechanical Design

About the Author(s)
Qingyuan Wei
Occupation: College teacher Mechanical Design )
Working Place:  Harbin Institute of  Petroleum
E-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Educational Background:            
(1)2002.09—2006.06  bachelor degree in YanShan University,
major in  Packaging Engineering.  
(2)2009.09—2012.06  Master degree in YanShan University, major in Material Processing Engineering
Working Experience:
An experimental teacher in XI’AN Technological University
Mainly responsible for teaching two experimental courses of "The belt transmission efficiency" and "The sliding bearing efficiency" for mechanical students.
A professional mechanical teacher in Harbin Institute of  Petroleum
Mainly undertake the teaching task of "Mechanical Design", "Mechanical Drawing", "Metal Technology".

1. Industry - Industrial Manufacturing, Automotive, Oil & Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Life Sciences, Aerospace, Military & Defence, Biotechnology, etc.