
What is TRIZ?

TRIZ is a premier disruptive technology for innovation that can be used throughout many industries and sciences. TRIZ is a systematic process that develops critical thinking skills and promote creativity and innovation. Elements of TRIZ can be effectively used by a wide range of people -- from children to adults. The genesis of TRIZ is derived from empirical data, patents. The documentation of how inventive people solved inventive problems.

TRIZ (pronounced TREEZ) is the Russian acronym for the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. This proven algorithmic approach to solving technical problems began in 1946 when the Russian engineer and scientist Genrikh Altshuller studied thousands of patents and noticed certain patterns. From these patterns he discovered that the evolution of a technical system is not a random process, but is governed by certain objective laws. These laws can be used to consciously develop a system along its path of technical evolution - by determining and implementing innovations.

One result of Altshuller's theory -- that inventiveness and creativity can be learned -- has fundamentally altered the psychological model of creativity.

TRIZ developed in the Soviet Union, moving underground after Altshuller was imprisoned for his "heretical" work, until the fall of the USSR when TRIZ re-emerged and migrated to the West. Today many Fortune 500 companies successfully use TRIZ methodology.

  • Ford
  • General Motors
  • Chrysler
  • Eastman Kodak
  • Exxon
  • Rockwell International
  • Procter & Gamble
  • Digital Equipment
  • Xerox
  • Hewlett Packard
  • Motorola
  • BAE Systems
  • Brunswick-LifeFitness
  • Boeing
  • Philips Semiconductor
  • LG Electronics
  • Delphi
  • Boston Scientific
  • Intel
  • Iwint-China
  • S.C. Johnson
  • Samsung
  • ...and many more

The use of TRIZ has been expanding into other areas. In addition to the traditional areas of application, TRIZ has been used successfully in bio-medical research, medicine, computer programming, business management, etc. We anticipate that with a broader audience TRIZ will find many more practical uses.

"I know of no other approach to inventing that offers such a rich arsenal of both practical and imaginative thinking tools."

George Prince
Co-founder of Synectics, Inc.

"The ultimate worldwide impact of TRIZ methodology upon innovative technology-driven businesses could easily match the impact of CAD systems on new product design."

James P. Dunn
Co-Executive Director, CTC,
NASA Regional Technology Transfer Center

"While working with the leading industrial corporations in the world, I became aware of a powerful methodology that has a history of more than four decades, but has only recently been exposed to the western world. This methodology, TRIZ, can help technical innovation in a systematic way and help corporations and individuals reach their peak potential."

Daniel Burrus
Burrus Research Associates

For more information about TRIZ, read Lev Shulyak's "Introduction to TRIZ", exerpted from 40 Principles. To view the PDF, click here.