Inside TRIZ

Photo of Young Ju KangApril 2010

Young Ju Kang

LG case study for making shrinking tubes

Since 2001, LG Cable has tried to enhance R&D processes and manufacturing processes by applying TRIZ. Therefore, LG Cable opened TRIZ education course and have taught full process of TRIZ to research engineers. And TRIZ has been adapted to practical engineering projects.
Several successful results were achieved through co-work with TRIZ team and research engineers. For instance, the quality of Polymer Insulator and Heat Shrinkable Tube were improved dramatically. The tolerance of Heat Shrinkable Tube was relatively more than 7mm and the production speed was limited by the tolerance. Some solutions which satisfy production speed and quality were developed by TRIZ. And the tensile strength of Polymer Insulator was increased by TRIZ, too.
In this paper, TRIZ applications and activities in LG Cable will be discussed with example of Heat Shrinkable Tube and full processes.



Aditya BhallaMarch 2010

Aditya Bhalla

 Embrace Constraints to Innovate


Constraints are Omnipresent.  Many times Problem solvers feel dejected when faced with innumerable constraints. Psychologically it may even trigger thoughts along the lines: “Why me?”

But history is replete with examples of innovators not allowing their innovative spirit to be broken by the constraints. Through their never-say-die spirit coupled with a systematic thinking framework they are eventually able to come out on top of the situation.


Inside TRIZ

Photo of Adi Bhalla February 2010

Aditya Bhalla

Strong innovators have a well developed skill called Perspectives Thinking.

Perspectives thinking is the ability to appreciate the concerns of key stakeholders and their inter-linkages within the context of the given situation. It is also the ability to foresee and adapt to the dynamic nature of those perspectives over time.

Lack of a well developed skill of perspectives thinking leads to situations where the untrained minds gloss over the different and sometimes differing perspectives.


Inside TRIZ

Photo of Adi BhallaJanuary 2010

 Adi Bhalla

Abstraction is the ability to describe the essence of a situation using simple words devoid of technical terms and jargons and is one of the core skills of strong innovators.

Abstraction thinking helps in overcoming terminological inertia which acts as a psychological roadblock towards generating strong innovative solutions. Terminological inertia constrains the mind to think in the narrow groove of possible solutions as known to the profession.  One way of checking whether the description of the core problem has been made in simple form is to ask the question: “Will a teenager be able to understand all the terms used to describe the situation?” Another way could be to ask the question: “Will understanding this description require the reader to be fully inducted into our organization?”

Analogy thinking is the ability to review the abstract situation and be able to relate to similar situations in completely unrelated domains.



Photo of Shree PhadnisDecember 2009

Shree Phadnis

One of the earliest tools that people get acquainted with during the education of TRIZ is the contradiction matrix and the 40 principles.  While on the initial looks this tool looks very simple and easy to apply in actual application of the tool, people often struggle.  The primary reason for the creation of the tool was to reduce the unnecessary trials that an inventor would often go through using classical trial and error approach. 


Inside TRIZ

Picture of John CookeOctober 2009

John Cooke

This paper reviews a number of standard TRIZ tools in terms of impact against investment and impact against effort to apply and presents conclusions for key improvement areas. Finally, this paper puts forwards suggested ways to deliver these improvements without compromising the inherent power of the methodology.


Inside TRIZ

John W. Stamey PhotographAugust 2009

John W. Stamey and Richard Peterson

The support TRIZ provides for creativity during the invention process makes it ideally suited for the field of Technology Education. Technology education provides instruction in the content areas of manufacturing, communication, transportation and construction. As creativity has long been an important part of the technology education curriculum in middle schools and high schools, a study of the perceptions of TRIZ by future technology education teachers was seen to be a first step toward the introduction of TRIZ into the curriculum.

Inside TRIZ

Photo of Shree PhadnisSeptember 2009

Shree Phadnis

 Everybody loves to play holi, children specially like playing with water balloons, as water balloons have a potential of hurting people, government put a ban on them and as a substitute low thickness plastic bags are used.

Holi is an Indian national festivity on every march, where millions of children and teenagers with their colored faces, use plastic bags empty of colored water as water balloons, but the main problem is that after holi there are many such plastic bags that are causing contaminant litter, that if not cleaned, will go and choke the drainage systems. ¿What can be done to improve this situation with minimum cost?

Inside TRIZ

Young Ju KangJuly 2009

Young Ju Kang

This month's Inside TRIZ article come from TRIZCON2009. The author, Young Ju Kang, is a senior research engineer from Hyundai Motors. TRIZ covers several areas of R&D projects. Usually it is used for patent circumvention, system and process improvement, cost reduction and new development of products. There are several steps for solving problems. All the categories of TRIZ need an analytical stage.

The most popular tool for analysis is function analysis (FA). If the system is stable and existing, FA is very powerful method for understanding system. But if the project is for New Development of the System or technical forecasting, it is not suitable to use FA directly. In this paper, new modeling method will be discussed for new product development.

Inside TRIZ


June 2009

Jim Todhunter

The notion of solving a problem is fundamental TRIZ.  So much so, that it is embedded in the very name of the discipline.  However, to solve a problem effectively, one needs to first understand the problem.  This means understanding that the problem being examined is the correct one, defining the goal of the desired solution, and expressing the problem statement in a way that allows the solver to map the problem situation to the solution goals naturally.

Inside TRIZ

Jon EzicksonMarch, 2009
Jon Wm. Ezickson

Since its introduction to western industrialized countries, TRIZ, and its variants, ASIT and USIT have been predominately applied to technical problems involving engineering of tangible products.  Geinrich Altshuller’s initial discoveries and development of the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving came about by the study of invented objects.  Present day state of the art TRIZ as practiced at leading TRIZ organizations emphasize technical applications of systematic innovation by the continued study of patent databases and integration of physics and cybernetic principles.

Inside TRIZ

Darrell MannFebruary, 2009
Darrell Mann and Jürgen Jantschgi

The paper describes two case studies involving the application of TRIZ to renewable and sustainable energy systems. The work described in the paper builds on a substantial foundation of work in the environmental innovation arena supported by the European Government through the SUPPORT initiative. In this programme, a modified version of the TRIZ toolkit has been formulated specifically for users working in and around the area of sustainable technologies; delivering both education materials and bespoke problem solving tools.

Inside TRIZ

Howard SmithSeptember, 2007
Howard Smith

As every process change practitioner knows, simple business tools catch on. Who hasn’t heard of a SWOT chart – strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats? On the other hand how many business people know how to perform a SWOT analysis effectively? Drawing a SWOT chart might look easy, but solving the problem it represents is far from trivial. Many of us use the simple SWOT framework and hardly ever stop to think about what the structure of the chart really means. It is all too easy to fall into the trap of considering our work done if we can get the team members to agree on what to write in the four boxes! Unfortunately, the process often ends there. In this article, I’ll show how to go beyond a simplistic SWOT analysis and move on towards an actionable implementation strategy.

Inside TRIZ

Wes PerusekAugust, 2014
Wes Perusek

We are looking back at an important article written by the late Wes Perusek, a champion of TRIZ in education. His belief that TRIZ was one of the keys to a well rounded education for all students can be re-emphasized even more today then in 2003. AI will be re-doubling its efforts to get TRIZ accepted into the national STEM curriculum. If you know any key STEM people, please have them contact AI for more information.

Improving Technological Literacy in the Schools

The systematic study of the past is crucial for full development of those who would shape the future. We here argue that historians of technology have a vital role to play in developing a curriculum for the schools that could help foster an atmosphere of innovation and invention among the next generation of engineers, scientists and researchers.