Updated:   31 July 2024

toru nakagawa

Toru Nakagawa (OGU, WTSP Project Leader)   "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":



Dear TRIZ Colleagues and WTSP Members

Hello, how are you, your family, and the people in your country? I hope you all are well.

In Japan, we face an extremely hot summer this year, with heavy rains in various regions.
I am now 83 years old and have some difficulty walking long with my head up, but I am still working at home in good health.
Recently I have decided to work in the field of "Earthquake Prediction Research" (EQP) based on the TRIZ philosophy
and experimental science.
In this email, I would like to explain why and how I have made this decision and how I am going to work from now on.

(1) "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" continues to be an open public website in the field of creative problem solving methodology,
especially TRIZ/USIT/CrePS, and its various applications to the problems in technology, business, society, etc.,
  particularly the earthquake prediction problem.

The WTSP (World TRIZ-related Site Project) Catalogs are always available and will be updated by receiving
contributions from country teams and website owners.

I am going to edit and operate the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" under the generous support of Osaka Gakuin University
for myself as long as my health allows.

(2) A new sub-folder for EQP is already set both in English and in Japanese.
The parent page (Index page) of EQP (in English) is:

(3) Last December I gave a presentation at the EPSJ (Earthquake Prediction Society of Japan) Annual Conference:
"On the Direction of Development of Earthquake Prediction Research" (Toru Nakagawa).
Its paper, slides, and video (in Japanese) are posted on "TRIZ Home Page in Japan". (Dec. 25, 2023)

(4) To introduce my idea to a wider audience, especially in English, I have been posting a series of articles in
LinkedIn since last April: "Earthquake Prediction (EQP) Research Based on the TRIZ
Philosophy: (Toru Nakagawa)
(1) Why and How I Decided to Work on this Difficult Topic (Apr. 27, 2024)
(2) Requirements of Precursors for Short-term EQ Prediction (May 14, 2024)
(3) For Selecting "Promising Precursor Phenomena (Jul. 6, 2024) "
--- Articles (4)(5)(6) will come in due time. ---

I have re-posted these LinkedIn articles on "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" both in English and in Japanese (Jul. 23, 2024).
A PDF file of (1)(2)(3) together and the GIF figure of (1) are attached here for your reference.

(5) I am going to give presentations on EQP at the Japan TRIZ Symposium 2024 (Tokyo, Aug. 29-30, 2024) and
ETRIA TFC-TRAI2024 (Romania, Nov. 6-8, 2024). Papers, slides, and videos will be posted on my Website after the conferences.
Japan suffers from big earthquake disasters frequently.
Seismology has been highly developed in Japan, with precise analysis of earthquakes and evaluation of long/medium term
probability of earthquakes in regions all over Japan.

However, it failed to predict big earthquakes in 1995 and 2011.
Since then, the Seismology Society of Japan and the Japanese
Government declared that the short-term prediction of
earthquakes are impossible with current technology and
decided to reduce the research on short-term earthquake prediction.

EPSJ (Earthquake Prediction Society of Japan) was founded
in 2014, and focused on observing electromagnetic precursor
phenomena, instead of dynamic/mechanical ones.

After nearly 10 years in the dark, Minoru Tsutsui has shown
an epoch-making observation of variation in underground
DC electric field just before and after earthquakes
with a very high S/N ratio and fine structure.

I am proposing to initiate a joint research project within EPSJ to develop the Tsutsui method as a reliable and
practical system of Short-term Earthquake Prediction.

Organizing the EQP project and developing the Tsutsui Method
step by step into a reliable technical system of predicting earthquakes in different regions in Japan
and further into an official social system operating Short-term/Imminent Earthquake Prediction Alert
is a huge challenge in Japan probably taking about 20 years.

I am going to work hard for several years at the initial stage of the project and will hand the project to many
colleagues and followers. 
The project will serve Japan and many other countries in the world that are suffering from earthquake disasters.

I sincerely hope for your understanding and support.

    Let's work Together! Connected !!

     Best wishes,



Toru Nakagawa,  Dr.,  Professor Emeritus, Osaka Gakuin University

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [Main email address.  For receiving.]

          This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [For sending (& receiving)]

          This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [For sending Update Announcements] Editor of the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":


Project Leader of World TRIZ-related Sites Project (WTSP) Director of CrePS Institute:

      Publication of "TRIZ Practices and Benefits" book series  (in Japanese)

     3-1-13 Eirakudai, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0086, Japan.

     Phone & FAX:  +81-4-7167-7403
