Updated: 18 August 2022
Toru Nakagawa (OGU, WTSP Project Leader)
"TRIZ Home Page in Japan":
Dear TRIZ Colleagues and WTSP Members,
Toru Nakagawa (OGU, WTSP Project Leader)
[WTSP] Letter: (31M-1AB) WTSP World Catalogs of (C) Around-TRIZ Sites; Shall we need a Representative Website in TRIZ?
Hello, How are you, your family, and the people in your country?
I have updated "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" this morning (dated Aug. 17).
During these 2 and half months since my last [WTSP] Letter
(30M-1) of Jun. 5, we had WTSP activities as follows:
[1] Submitted our WTSP papers to ETRIA TFC2022 and to
Japan TRIZ Symposium 2022.
[2] Posting the "Gamma Edition" of (C) World Around -TRIZ Sites
[3] Asking for Voluntary Team Work in 6 TRIZ-active countries
for building manuscripts of Country Part of the WTSP Catalogs.
[4] Internal discussions among the Global Co-editors on the
need of a 'representative website in TRIZ'.
[1] The WTSP Paper submitted to ETRIA TFC 2022: "WTSP Report (5) Catalogs of TRIZ and Around-TRIZ Sites
in the World: We Can Learn Full Scope of TRIZ-related Works in the World"
Toru Nakagawa, Darrell Mann, Michael Orloff, Simon Dewulf, Simon Litvin, and Valeri Souchkov
[2] "Gamma Edition of (C) World Around-TRIZ Sites Catalogs Full set of (C) World Around-TRIZ Sites Catalogs are now posted. They are:
(C1) Top Index (◎) ◎ 33 sites
(C1P) Top Catalog for Print (◎)
(C2) Basic Index (◎○) ○ 142 sites
(C2P) Basic Catalog for Print (◎○)
(C3) Extended Index (□) □ 244 sites
These Catalogs cover the full range of Creative Problem Solving Methodologies (around TRIZ).
All the sites are introduced with the Basic Information (Site code, Evaluation, Site name,
Domain URL, Location, Language(s), Roles of site) and Brief introduction (3-15 lines, in free format).
In each Index/Catalog, the sites are classified with their Main Role of site and Evaluation level.
Catalogs for Print may be handy to take a quick look of important sites in the world.
(C1P) 16 pages in A4 ◎ 33 sites
(C2P) 46 pages in A4 ◎ 33 sites + ○ 142 sites
[3] Asking for your Team Work to build your country WTSP Catalogs.
As I wrote many times, the preparation for (A) WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ Sites has been much delayed, in comparison to
(C) WTSP Catalogs of Around-TRIZ Sites.
On Aug. 2-3, I wrote [WTSP] Letter (30C-1) to TRIZ Leaders and colleagues in each of six TRIZ-active countries, i.e.,
UK, France, Italy, Germany, Taiwan, and Korea.
I asked them to work collaboratively to build the WTSP Catalogs of their own country.
Such Country Catalogs are useful for the the people in your own country, and also make the World TRIZ Sites Catalogs useful.
Voluntary Cooperative work is the key to create active TRIZ community in each country, and to contribute to better, peaceful world.
[4] Internal Discussion on "Systematic Innovation Review": This discussion was triggered by Nakagawa's writing at
the Concluding Remarks of the ETRIA Paper:
One specific point Nakagawa noticed:
In the TRIZ community there are a number of international associations/conferences and many good websites operated
by individual consulting firms and academic groups, but there exists no 'representative' place where good TRIZ
works are coming from various groups in the world to be published regularly.
The TRIZ Journal served as the leading journal for promoting TRIZ in the early stage, but not in recent years.
A new website, so to speak “Systematic Innovation Review”, is anticipated to be established and operated by some solid
international collaboration in the global TRIZ(-related) community.
We have had hot discussions on this issue:
- Why do we need another new website/journal?
- What is the value proposition of the new website/journal?
- There exists different international organizations and different methodical approaches, due to historical/
philosophical/ geographical reasons.
Can we integrate them, or create a common working place?
- What is the scope ? TRIZ or wider?
- Who are readers/users? What types of articles?
- How can we attract good works from various authors?
- Is it a voluntary project? a research project? a foundation? a company? an organization? a society?
- How can we make a financial basis of it?
- We will need Editorial Board and (a large) Editorial Advisory. How can we form them?
- We will need Editorial staff and Technical support staff.
- How and to whom can we propose this idea and form a group/organization to discuss and promote the plan?
- Is it just a Utopia image, or an Ideal direction we should challenge for?
- It should be much larger challenge than our WTSP project, and should be carried out more official manner.
- How can we make a vision and collaborative consensus in the TRIZ community in the world and further in the wider-field community ?
Probably we should have a group of about 20-30 people coming from various associations, various countries,
various methodical approaches, etc. for discussing and finding good directions.
-- But how can we form such a group?
This is an initial information for people outside the WTSP Global Co-editors, for the purpose of open
discussion in the world TRIZ community at the preliminary stage. (Not yet posted in our website.)
We wish many people consider about this issue and discuss in your groups and communicate with us and other groups.
We sincerely hope your collaboration even under your busy job schedule.
Best wishes.
Toru Nakagawa, Dr., Professor Emeritus, Osaka Gakuin University
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This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [For sending (& receiving)]
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [For sending Update Announcements] Editor of the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":
Project Leader of World TRIZ-related Sites Project (WTSP) Director of CrePS Institute:
Publication of "TRIZ Practices and Benefits" book series (in Japanese)
3-1-13 Eirakudai, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0086, Japan.
Phone & FAX: +81-4-7167-7403