Updated: 5 June 2022
Toru Nakagawa (OGU, WTSP Project Leader)
"TRIZ Home Page in Japan":
Dear TRIZ Colleagues and WTSP Members, 5 June, 2022,
Toru Nakagawa (OGU, WTSP Project Leader)
[WTSP] Letter: (30M-1AB) WTSP World Catalogs of (C) Around-TRIZ Sites are enhanced, but (A) TRIZ Sites delay.
Hello, How are you, your family, and people in your country?
I have updated "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" today in English.
I updated "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" on Apr. 27, May 9, May 18, and Jun. 3 about our progress in WTSP and
and posted its report in LinkedIn on May 10.
I have just finished a major revision/enhancement of the WTSP Catalogs of (C) Around-TRIZ Sites in the World.
[1] Five big cases of Internet surveys (posted in Jul.-Sept., 2019) have been fully revised.
All the sites (nearly 1000 sites) were visited again to review the nature and contents of the sites, for improving
the site description, revising the Roles of sites and Evaluation grades if necessary.
TN3A2 Creative Think Methods ◎ 8 ○ 16 □ 50
TN3B Creative Problem Solving ◎ 15 ○ 40 □ 50
TN3C Innovation Methods ◎ 8 ○ 37 □ 70
TN3D Quality/Value/Cost/.. ◎ 13 ○ 35 □ 73
TN3E Patent ◎ 6 ○ 21 □ 34
[2] The revised survey results are integrated into the revise World Indexes of Around-TRIZ Sites. They are:
(C1) World Around-TRIZ Sites Top Index (◎) ◎ 30
(C2) World Around-TRIZ Sites Basic Index (◎○)◎30 ○143
[3] The sites at the □ level (Worthy in the World Catalogs) are shown in the WTSP Catalogs for the first time:
(C3) World Around-TRIZ Sites Extended Index (□) □ 244
All the WTSP Indexes (C1)(C2)(C3) have the table of sites, which belong to the specified Evaluation level and are
arranged in the categories of their (main) Roles of sites.
The Roles of site are:
(a) Information sending sites
(b) Promoter organizations
(c) Public organizations
(d) Academia
(e) Developer organizations (e5) Training organizations
(f) Publishing organizations
(g) Information sharing
(h) User organizations
(i) Personal
In the WTSP Indexes (C1)(C2)(C3), by clicking the Site Code, descriptions of individual sites (stored in the original file
of survey results) can be accessed interactively through hyperlinks.
The WTSP Catalogs for Print (C1P)(C2P) contain the site descriptions together with the Index part.
They can be downloaded in PDF, and may be stored, printed, and used interactively in user's PC just like in the WTSP website.
All the usage may be done without registration nor charge, while the copyrights reserved by the WTSP Project.
(C1P) and (C2P) are going to be revised in a few weeks.
(C3P) will come out much later.
Please enjoy using the WTSP Catalogs and feed us back your comments, suggestions, contributions, etc.
[4] Revisions and enhancement of WTSP Catalogs of (A) TRIZ Sites are highly desirable but very slow in progress.
(4th Round) Surveys of TRIZ Sites in 52 individual countries were carried out by Nakagawa (May-Nov. 2021).
About 250 sites (mostly △□)of 40 countries are selected and tabulated (in a preliminary draft).
Survey data of about 450 sites from 12 countries (including main TRIZ players: UK, France, Germany, Italy, Taiwan, and
Korea) are shown without close survey nor evaluation).
It is much desired to form WTSP Teams especially in the countries of such main TRIZ players and to build Country WTSP Catalogs.
And we also desire the site owners (i.e., TRIZ professionals/leaders) to describe their own excellent TRIZ sites and
contribute them to the World WTSP Catalogs.
We wish to build a much revised/enhanced (A) WTSP TRIZ Catalogs before ETRIA TFC2022 (Sept. 27-29).
We sincerely hope your collaboration even under your busy job schedule.
Best wishes.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [Main email address. for receiving.]
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [for sending]
Editor of the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":
Director of CrePS Institute: Publication of "TRIZ Practices and Benefits" book series (in Japanese)
3-1-13 Eirakudai, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0086, Japan.