Updated:  23 November 2020

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Toru Nakagawa (OGU, WTSP Project Leader) 

    "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":


Dear TRIZ Colleagues and WTSP Members

        Nov. 23, 2020  Toru Nakagawa (OGU, WTSP Project Leader)

Hello, how are you, your family, and people in your country?

I noticed that this series of [WTSP] letter (xxM-nAB,DE) have had an interval of about 4 months since July.

   During these months, I have been sending various WTSP related information to some of you and others in different forms,

   including the followings:

Jul. 2: [WTSP] Letter (20M-1) Full set of World WTSP Catalogs (Beta Edition) are posted

Jul. 23: [WTSP] Letter(20M-2) Why We Ask Site Owners to Write the Introduction of Their Own Sites

Aug. 14: "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" Updated (Aug.14) WorldWTSP Catalogs; TRIZ in the World (V. Souchkov; Comments by TN)

Sept.24-27:  MATRIZ Online Forum (Russia) WTSP Poster presentation

Oct. 1: “TRIZ Home Page in Japan" Updated in Japanese pages (Sept. 29) World WTSP Catalogs (Japan Part); 

            Close Site Introduction (MOST LLC, K. Yamaguchi)

Oct. 6-7: TRIZCON2020 (USA) WTSP Presentation (Video)

Oct. 14-16: ETRIA TFC2020 (Romania) WTSP Paper & Video presentation

Oct. 23-24: ICSI2020 (Taiwan)  WTSP Presentation (Video)

Oct.31-Nov.1: JCS2020 (Japan)  WTSP Paper & Video presentation

Nov. 12: “TRIZ Home Page in Japan” Updated (Nov. 11) Five conference presentations on the World WTSP

            Catalogs; Papers, Slides, and Videos

Nov. 22: “TRIZ Home Page in Japan” Updated:Some more final steps for enhancing the World WTSP Catalogs
Toru letter.589


In this [WTSP] Letter, I will introduce you to the two articles

   on WTSP lately posted in the WTSP site (inside "TRIZ Home Page in Japan"):


[1] Five Conference presentations in Autumn 2020: on World TRIZ-related Sites Project (WTSP)

        (Toru Nakagawa and 5 Global Co-editors) (Nov. 11)

[2] Some More Final Steps for Enhancing the World WTSP Catalogs (Toru Nakagawa)    (Nov. 22)



[1] Five Conference presentations in Autumn 2020 on WTSP At the 5 online conferences, we reported on our WTSP project and the World WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ Sites and Around-TRIZ Sites, with slightly different titles and emphases adjusted

      to the interests of audiences.

      The following documents are posted in our WTSP site:

  (1) MATRIZ Online Forum 2020  (Moscow, Russia, Sept. 24-27) Presentation (28 slides, in English) (Digest 13 slides, in Russian)

  (2) Altshuller Inst. TRIZCON2020  (Boston, USA, Oct. 6-7) Presentation (28 slides, in English) (Video: 28 slides, 38 min., in English, in MP4)

  (3) ETRIA TFC2020 (Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Oct. 14-16)

      Paper (12 pages,in English) (manuscripts and published) Presentation (28 slides, in English) (Video: 28 slides, 32 min., in English, in MP4)

  (4) I-SIM  ICSI2020  (Taiwan, Oct. 23-24, 2020) Presentation (13 slides, in English) (Video: 13 slides, 15 min., in English, in MP4)

  (5) Japan Creativity Society Conf. 2020 (Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 31 - Nov. 1, 2020)

      Paper (8 pages, in Japanese)(Manuscripts and published) Presentation (26 slides, in Japanese)

             (Video: 26 slides, 22 min., in Japanese, in MP4)


     Suggestion for English speaking readers:

       First:   (4) ICSI2020 Video (15 min.) in MP4

       Then:    (3) ETRIA TFC2020 Video (32 min.) in MP4

       Finally; (3) ETRIA TFC2020 Paper in HTML

     The photo attached below is the top frame of ETRIA Video.

[2] Some More Final Steps for Enhancing the World WTSP Catalogs


(Note:  PDF of this page (with hyper-links) is attached here.)

     As we reported in the five conferences recently, the WTSP project has built Beta edition of World WTSP Catalogs of

     TRIZ Sites and Around-TRIZ Sites and has made clear 'Some more final steps for enhancing them'.

     For paving the road for such steps, I have fully updated our '(A4) Guidelines for Building World WTSP Catalogs',

     with step-by-step instructions, templates, links to examples, etc.

     The present page intends to guide you to such activities, by using several slides from ETRIA TFC2020 presentation.

     The contents are:

     1. World WTSP Catalogs (Beta Edition, Jun. 2020);

     2. Three Basic Requirements from Users;

     3. Practice Guide for Building Country/World WTSP Catalogs;

     4. Evaluation of Sites;

     5. Site Introduction (3b) Standard Form to be written by the site owner (Mandatory);

     6. Site Introduction (3c) Close Introduction in free format to be written by the site owner (Optional);

     7. Preparing Manuscripts of Country/World WTSP Catalogs;

     8. Concluding Remarks: Let's work Together ! Connected !!


     If you are a site owner:

        Please write an introduction to your own site.(3b)(3c)

     If you are a user:

        Please make a list of sites you like/recommend.

     If you are a TRIZ leader:

        Please take the leadership of coordinating your people.

     In a year, the Catalogs will get many users, from beginners to experts.

     All your efforts are helpful for many people and fruitful for yourselves if such documents are posted in this website.

   (1) MATRIZ Online Forum 2020  (Moscow, Russia, Sept. 24-27)

     Let's work Together ! Connected !!        




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Editor of the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":


Director of CrePS Institute:    Publication of "TRIZ Practices and Benefits" book series  (in Japanese)

   3-1-13 Eirakudai, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0086, Japan.
