Updated:  12 November 2020

 Toru Nakagawa.240

Toru Nakagawa (OGU, WTSP Project Leader) 

    "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":


Dear TRIZ Colleagues and WTSP Members

Hello, How are you, your family, and people in your country?

 Toru letter.589

I have updated "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" yesterday:


[1] Five Conference presentations in Autumn 2020:

        on World TRIZ-related Sites Project (WTSP)

        (by Toru Nakagawa and 5 Global Co-editors of WTSP)

       (A full set of papers, presentation slides, and videos

        are posted.)

[2] On the 22nd Anniversary of "TRIZ Home Page in Japan"

        Toru Nakagawa


[1] Five Conference presentations in Autumn 2020:

     "World TRIZ-related Sites Project (WTSP)(3):

      World WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ and Around-TRIZ Sites:

      Beta Edition (Jun. 2020) and Its Further Enhancement"

      Toru Nakagawa (Japan), Darrell Mann (UK),

      Michael Orloff (Germany),

 Simon Dewulf (Australia),


 Simon Litvin (USA),

 and Valeri Souchkov (Netherlands)

     This year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most of

     international/domestic conferences were shifted to be held online.

     And we had the fortunate opportunities to participate and give presentations at five conferences held in

     Russia, USA, Romania, Taiwan, and Japan. Considering the interests of audiences in different

     regions of the world, we adjusted our titles, emphases,and motives slightly.

     We submitted papers, slides, and videos, as requested by the conferences.

     And a full set of such documents are posted in this website.

   (1) MATRIZ Online Forum 2020  (Moscow, Russia, Sept. 24-27)


     "Catalogs of TRIZ-related Sites in the World Built by the Voluntary WTSP Project"

      Presentation slides (28 slides) (E) Posted in PDF

      Digest slides (13 slides) (Russian) Posted in HTML and in PDF.

   (2) Altshuller Inst. TRIZCON2020  (Boston, USA, Oct. 6-7)


     "World Catalogs of TRIZ Sites and Around-TRIZ Sites.

       Built by the Voluntary WTSP Project"

         Presentation slides (28 slides) (E) Posted in PDF

      Video (28 slides, 38 min.) (E) Posted in MP4

   (3) ETRIA TFC2020 (Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Oct. 14-16)


     "World TRIZ-related Sites Project (WTSP)(3):

      World WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ and Around-TRIZ Sites:

      First Edition (2019) and Its Further Enhancement"

      [presentation is based on "Beta Edition (Jun. 2020)".]


      Paper (12 pages) (E) Posted in HTML

      Paper published (E)  Posted in PDF

      Slides (28 slides) (E) Posted in HTML and PDF

      Video  (28 slides, 32 min.) (E) Posted in MP4

   (4) I-SIM  ICSI2020  (Taiwan, Oct. 23-24, 2020)


     "World WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ Sites and Around-TRIZ Sites:

      We Can Learn A Lot through These Active Information Sources"


      Slides (13 slides) (E)  Posted in HTML and PDF

      Video  (13 slides, 15 min.) (E)  Posted in MP4

   (5) Japan Creativity Society Conf. 2020

               (Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 31 - Nov. 1, 2020)


     "Websites on Various Methodologies for Creative Problem

      Solving: Development of World Catalogs (WTSP Project)"

      Paper (8 pages) (Japanese)  Posted in HTML

      Paper published (8 pages) (Japanese)  Posted in PDF

      Slides (26 slides) (Japanese)  Posted in HTML and PDF

      Video  (22 min.) (Japanese)  Posted in MP4


     Suggestion for English speaking readers:

       First:   (4) ICSI2020 Video (15 min.) in MP4

       Then:    (3) ETRIA TFC2020 Video (32 min.) in MP4

       Finally; (3) ETRIA TFC2020 Paper in HTML

[2] On the 22nd Anniversary of  "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" (Toru Nakagawa)

     This Web site "TRIZ Home in Japan" celebrated its 22nd Anniversary on Nov. 1.  

     I am very grateful to you all, including authors, translators, and readers in Japan and around the world,

     for your continuing support.

     This site serves as an open forum of information exchange

     for better understanding and usage of Creative Problem Solving Methodologies.

     Initially, I intended to introduce TRIZ, a Russian-based methodology for mostly technological areas,

     but along with the development of such methodologies the scope of this site became wider and deeper year after year.

     TRIZ itself has evolved to wider application including business and marketing, and has been spreading widely

     in the world.

     My own research has extended to USIT as an easy-to-learn TRIZ,

     the Six-Box Scheme as a new paradigm of creative problem

     solving, and CrePS (General Methodology of Creative Problem

     Solving) which intends to integrate and unify various methods by using the Six-Box Scheme.

     I found the fundamental contradictions in Human Culture

     and their solution directions in the relationships of Liberty-Love-Ethics.

     Such history of of "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" is recently

     written in "Site Introduction (Features and Selected Articles)"

     (Feb. 13, 2020).

     This site is meant to openly publish information and communications on a not-for-profit basis.

     Though I have been operating this site as a volunteer, this

     site is not a personal site but a public forum to be

     composed of the contributions by readers, as you see already.

     Most pages are published in Japanese and in English in

     parallel for the purpose of mutual understanding and

     collaboration between Japanese and overseas people.

     Four Entrance Pages have been installed in 2012 for your easy access to articles.

     Since November 2017, we have been working as World TRIZ-related Sites Project (WTSP) and reported the

     completion of World Catalogs of TRIZ and Around-TRIZ sites at five conferences during this autumn.

     For enhancing them further, let's work Together ! Connected !!

     I wish this Home Page be useful for you readers to solve your various problems.

     Readers' contributions either in English or in Japanese are heartily welcome.

Praying for the world to overcome the pandemic and to get closer to sustainable life and peace,

   and wishing you and all your people health and happiness,



PS: Above is a snap shot of the Video, and does not start.


E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [Main email address. for receiving.]

       This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   [for sending]

Editor of the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":


Director of CrePS Institute:    Publication of "TRIZ Practices and Benefits" book series  (in Japanese)

   3-1-13 Eirakudai, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0086, Japan.
