Updated: 14 August 2020
Toru Nakagawa (OGU, WTSP Project Leader)
"TRIZ Home Page in Japan":
Dear TRIZ Colleagues and WTSP Members
Hello, How are you, your family, and people in your country?
I have updated "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":
World WTSP Catalogs -- Beta Edition Is Ready, with Two pillars (TRIZ and Around TRIZ) and Catalogs (◎〇)
for Print (Toru Nakagawa) (Jun. 30; Jul. 12)
Many pages in the WTSP project site are renewed to make
the World Catalogs of TRIZ and Around-TRIZ Sites easier to access.
Why We Ask Site Owners to Write the Introduction of Their Own Sites
(Communications: Michael Orloff and Toru Nakagawa) (Jul. 23)
We need to make the WTSP Catalogs more useful for users:
Catalog should collect and select good sites
==> We need voluntary collaboration by many of you in every country.
Individual sites need to be introduced properly.
==> Site owners can write the introductions most properly.
Please contribute manuscripts of your sites by Sept. 10. I am going to make the Sept. 30 Edition of World Catalogs
and report them at international TRIZ conferences.
TRIZ in the World: History, Current Status, and Issues of Concern (Valeri Souchkov (Netherlands), 2016)
(Japanese translation and Comments, Toru Nakagawa) (Aug. 10; Aug. 14)
Souchkov's excellent paper (Nov. 2016) was translated into Japanese and posted. We can learn a lot in this paper.
I wrote comments on the paper:
Reflection of introducing TRIZ in South Korea and in Japan.
Interaction of TRIZ with its super-system requires
-- development of new concepts, methods, tools, KBs: outward expansion and adaptation, increasing complexity
-- reflection of TRIZ itself, clarifying its essence:
evolution inside, increasing clarity (reducing complexity)
The latter is also necessary, though the author neglects.
I wish "World WTSP Catalogs" and "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" serve for better understanding and usage of Creative Problem
Solving Methodologies in the world.
Please contribute your thoughts and suggestions.
Wishing you and all people in the world health and safety, and hoping your cooperation,
Best wishes,
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [Main email address. for receiving.]
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Editor of the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":
Director of CrePS Institute: Publication of "TRIZ Practices and Benefits" book series (in Japanese)
3-1-13 Eirakudai, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0086, Japan.