Updated:  2 July 2020


 Toru Nakagawa.148

Toru Nakagawa (WTSP Project Leader)


    "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":


Dear TRIZ Colleagues and WTSP Members

            Jul. 2, 2020  Toru Nakagawa (OGU, WTSP Project Leader)

I have posted today the Jun. 30, 2020 Edition of

   the full set of World WTSP Catalogs

   in our WTSP Site inside "TRIZ Home Page in Japan"

      (dated Jun, 30, 2020)



[1] World WTSP Catalogs -- Beta Edition Is Ready,

      with Two pillars (TRIZ and Around TRIZ) and

      Catalogs (◎〇) for Print  (Toru Nakagawa)

   (A) World TRIZ Sites Catalogs

      (A1) World TRIZ Sites Top Index (◎)

                -- (◎ 23 sites)

      (A2) World TRIZ Sites Basic Index (◎○)

                -- (◎ 23 sites, ○ 39 sites)

      (A1P) World TRIZ Sites Top Catalog (◎) for Print

                -- (PDF, 13 pages in A4)

      (A2P) World TRIZ Sites Basic Catalog (◎○) for Print

                -- (PDF, 23 pages in A4)

   (C) World Around-TRIZ Sites Catalogs

      (C1) World Around-TRIZ Sites Top Index (◎)

                -- (◎ 33 sites)

      (C2) World Around-TRIZ Sites Basic Index (◎○)

                -- (◎ 33 sites, ○ 127 sites, □ 19 sites)

      (C1P) World Around-TRIZ Sites Top Catalog (◎) for Print

                -- (PDF, 16 pages in A4)

      (C2P) World Around-TRIZ Sites Basic Catalog (◎○) for Print

                -- (PDF, 60 pages in A4)

      "Catalogs for Print" contain the site descriptions of all the sites listed in the Index part.

      Users may download them without charge/registration, print, read and use actively on their PC.

      These are Beta Edition, we may say.

    For the purpose of easier access to the Catalogs, I made a

    PDF file of this announcement (in place of simple email text) and attach it here.

    Various hyperlinks in the PDF file are active on your PC.

    Enjoy using WTSP Catalogs ! and       

Let's Work Together ! Connected !!

Wishing you and all people in the world health and safety, and hoping your cooperation,

Best wishes,



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       This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   [for sending]

Editor of the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":


Director of CrePS Institute:    Publication of "TRIZ Practices and Benefits" book series  (in Japanese)

   3-1-13 Eirakudai, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0086, Japan.
