Updated:  10 June 2020


 Toru Nakagawa.148

Toru Nakagawa (WTSP Project Leader)


    "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":


Dear TRIZ Colleagues and WTSP Members

           Jun. 10, 2020  Toru Nakagawa (OGU, WTSP Project Leader)

I have updated our WTSP site inside "TRIZ Home Page

    in Japan" on Jun. 7 and today (Jun, 10, 2020)



[1]  World WTSP Catalogs (A0P) World TRIZ Sites Top Catalog (◎) in Print

[2]  "Please Contribute to World WTSP Catalogs for Making Them

       More Attractive and Useful for Users"


[1]  World WTSP Catalogs

      (A0P) World TRIZ Sites Top Catalog (◎) in Print (Toru Nakagawa)

     Here I start a printable file of WTSP Catalog, where the

     description of sites are arranged according to a WTSP Index.

     (Our WTSP Catalogs have the structure of Indexes of sites

      having hyperlinks to individual sites in various Site Description files.

      Such a structure is useful for building and updating a

      large scale of Catalogs, but not convenient for users to read the Catalogs.)

     In the present case, (A0P) World TRIZ Sites Top Catalog (◎)

     in Print shows all the 23 ◎ TRIZ sites in their site

     description in the order of the (A0) World TRIZ Sites Top Index (◎).

     Besides the HTML page, a PDF file is posted for printing.

     (The PDF file is attached here. 15 pages of A4) See attachment.

     Please read through this Catalog.

     What do you find?

     (Here I attached again the "Welcome to WTSP Project/Catalogs" PDF file (Apr. 6, 2020). See attachment.

     Please feed back your impressions and suggestions via email to Nakagawa.

[2]  "Please Contribute to World WTSP Catalogs for Making Them

       More Attractive and Useful for Users" (Toru Nakagawa)

     This page is composed of messages addressed to 3 ranges of people.

   (1) 110 TRIZ Leaders/Colleagues all over the world,

       to whom [WTSP] Letter (19GC-2) was sent on May 26.

       The message in the Letter was written just after I

       submitted our WTSP papers to ETRIA TFC 2020 and Japan TRIZ

       Symposium 2020, and reflects our eager desire for getting collaboration by them.

   (2) Many more Leaders/Colleagues/Practitioners in LinkedIn,

       especially in its 'TRIZ and Innovation' Group.

       Adding a short preface, I posted the Letter without change

       in LinkedIn on May 28.

       The 'TRIZ and Innovation' Group has 14,000+ members,

       including many leaders, specialists, users in TRIZ and relevant methodologies.

   (3) Many more ordinary practitioners, users, and learners in

       TRIZ-related methodologies (or 'TRIZ and Innovation').

       Such people are expected to be the users/readers of World WTSP Catalogs.

       Their support and help is crucial for enhancing our Catalogs.

       Various ways of support/help are suggested. (Jun. 6, 2020)


Let's Work Together ! Connected !!

Wishing you and all people in the world health and safety, and hoping your cooperation,

Best wishes,



E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [Main email address. for receiving.]

       This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   [for sending]

Editor of the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":


Director of CrePS Institute:    Publication of "TRIZ Practices and Benefits" book series  (in Japanese)

   3-1-13 Eirakudai, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0086, Japan.
