Updated:  25 March 2020



Toru Nakagawa (WTSP Project Leader)Toru Nakagawa.148


    "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":



Dear TRIZ Leaders/colleagues,

In the midst of the growing crisis in the world due to the COVID-19, we pray for the health of you and all

   people in the world and for our early overcoming of this severe trials for the world.

I have updated my Web site 3 days ago (dated Mar. 22). "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":


[1]  "Dr. Ed N. Sickafus Memorial Archives" Is Now Open Ed Sickafus

           Inside "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" (Toru Nakagawa)

       Photo of Dr. Ed Sickafus (Mar. 10, 1999, Toru)


The Archives has the page structure as follows:

   (0) Top Index Page

   (1) Memorial Page  (Posted earlier) (Oct. 31, 2019)

   (2) Historical Indexes to Papers, Case Studies, and Communications On USIT and Its Further Extension

       by Dr. Ed Sickafus and His Followers Especially in Japan

     (A) Papers:   Papers,  Presentations, Reports, Introductory articles, Lectures

            Papers (by Dr. Ed Sickafus and some other international authors)

            Papers (by Toru Nakagawa)           

            Papers (by Japanese authors)

     (B) Case Studies :  Case study papers, Reports, Promotion activities

            Case studies (by Dr. Ed Sickafus)  

            Case studies (by Toru Nakagawa)

                   Case studies (by authors in Japan)

     (C) Communications:  Communications, Discussions, Questions, Comments, Conference reports, etc.

            Communications (by Dr. Ed Sickafus)

                  Communications (by Toru Nakagawa)

                  Communications (in Japan)

                  Communications (International)

(3)  Sickafus' Books, Overviews, Tutorials, etc.

           USIT Textbook (1997),

           USIT Overview (eBook) (2001),

           Book "Heuristics for Solving Technical Problems (2004),

           HI Textbook: "Heuristic Innovation" (2006)  ,

           Brief USIT Tutorial (2015)

(4)  Sickafus' Papers and Presentations 9 papers/presentations are posted.

(5) Sickafus' USIT Web site (www.u-sit.net)

           Originally built in 1999, rebuilt a few times after mal hacking, and now accessible as was in 2007.

           All the articles are restored in the Archives.

(6)  Sickafus' WordPress Blog site (edsickafus.wordpress.net)

           After the troubles in USIT Web site, Dr. Sickafus started to build a new Blog site in Cloud in Jul. 2015

           and left the half-done site in Nov. 2015. All the articles are restored in the Archives.

(7)  Sickafus' "U-SIT and Think NewsLetters"

           NL-01 (Nov. 2003) to NL-28 (Oct. 2004) are posted both in English and in Japanese.

           NL-29 to NL-79 (Mar. 2009) will be posted in English.

           Mini Lectures are interesting.

(8)  Sickafus' Communications and Miscellaneous Articles

           (under construction)

(9)  Comments on Sickafus' Works by Others

           (under construction)

(10)  Communications from Readers

           (under construction)


For the purpose of keeping Late Dr. Ed Sickafus' work widely known in the world, the Dr. Ed Sickafus Memorial Archives is built and opened publicly inside this "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" Web site.

Dr. Sickafus originally developed USIT (Unified Structured Inventive Thinking) and continued to extend it further to build concise and effective methods for creative problem solving in his own approaches.

I learned from him a lot since our first meeting in 1998, and introduced USIT into Japan.

Integration of USIT and TRIZ has driven into the new paradigm, named Six-Box Scheme, for the general methodology of creative problem solving.

USIT has obtained many followers in Japan who used it in their problem solving jobs.

In the present Web site, many papers and communications by Dr. Sickafus have been posted both in English and in Japanese translation.

Lately Dr. Sickafus, overcoming the logical and structured nature of USIT, spent his much efforts for building 'methods of solving problems more freely and effectively for professional technologists', 'methods of generating innovative solution concepts without constrained by logic and structures', 'methods of triggering with metaphors for the effective use of subconscious problem solving capability', etc.

He presented such new approaches in his keynote lectures at Japan TRIZ Symposium in 2006 and at ICSI 2015 conference in San Jose.  Both of his keynotes were posted in our Web site in English and in Japanese translation.

However, we have not understood well his new approaches yet; I recognized this point through my compilation work of the present Memorial Archives.

The books, papers, articles, communications, etc which Dr. Sickafus has left for us all contain valuable insights from which we can learn a lot, I believe.

-- Dr. Ed Sickafus is one of my 'Teachers in Life'.

Best wishes,



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Editor of the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":


Director of CrePS Institute:    Publication of "TRIZ Practices and Benefits" book series  (in Japanese)

   3-1-13 Eirakudai, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0086, Japan.
