Updated:  14 February 2020



Toru Nakagawa (WTSP Project Leader)Toru Nakagawa.148


    "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":


    (Sorry but some of you have just received a [WTSP] Letter

     from me, with different emphasis.

     This time my emphasis on the introduction of my site.)

[1] Features and Selected articles of "TRIZ Home Page in Japan".

          (Toru Nakagawa)

[2] Attractive and Useful !! Our WTSP Catalogs Will Be !!

     WTSP strategy for our 3rd year, 2020.  (Toru Nakagawa)


[1] Features and Selected articles of "TRIZ Home Page in Japan".

          (Toru Nakagawa)

     I have written an overview introduction of my site for the sake of the World WTSP Catalogs.

     My site has a history of 21 years and contains about 1400 HTML articles in Japanese and about 1100 HTML articles in English.

     Special features of my site are

     (1) parallel pages in Japanese and in English,

     (2) Various facilities for accessing articles.

     I have selected about 160 articles (written by many people in Japan and overseas, as well as by myself).

     I have grouped them firstly in the time period and then in the themes of my own research interests and further

     in the activities in Japan and in the world.

   (a) Introducing TRIZ (1997~2001)

   (b) Introducing USIT (Unified Structured Inventive Thinking) 1998 - 2001)

   (c) Extending USIT  (USIT Operator System)  (2002 - 2003)

   (d) Absorbing Modernized TRIZ (Attending at international

       conferences, Darrell Mann's Systematic Innovation) (2001 - 2004)

   (e) Finding 'Six-Box Scheme: A new paradigm of creative problem solving' through USIT studies  (2003 - 2006)

   (f) Launch and Activities of Japan TRIZ Society and Japan TRIZ Symposia  (2005 - 2008)

   (g) Education with TRIZ / USIT  (Education practice at Osaka Gakuin University)  (2000 - 2012)

   (h) Activities of Japan TRIZ Society and extension of international relationships  (2009 - 2012)

   (i) Proposal of "General Methodology of Creative Problem Solving (CrePS)" based on the Six-Box Scheme (2012 - 2016)

   (j) Various topics of communications, issues, and interests in wider scopes  (2011 - 2019)

   (k) Applying CrePS/TRIZ to Social Issues, and Having realized the Principal Contradiction of Human Culture (2015 - 2019)

   (l) Building Catalogs of TRIZ-related Sites in the World (WTSP Project)  (Dec, 2017 - present)

     This is just like a summary of how I learned TRIZ/USIT and extended them further while applying them and working

     on various themes, for these 20+ years.

[2] Attractive and Useful !! Our WTSP Catalogs Will Be !!

     WTSP strategy for our 3rd year, 2020.  (Toru Nakagawa) Last October, we have built the preliminary version of

     the World TRIZ-related Sites Catalogs.

     Our goals for the 3rd year of WTSP are to get higher evaluation (by professionals as well as beginners)

     that our WTSP Catalogs are much more useful than ordinary internet surveys because of well-selected sites

     with fair and close introductions for each.

     Besides the orthodox approach of forming WTSP Teams in every country to build Country WTSP Catalogs, I would

     like to suggest a second way based on the "20 - 80 % rule".

     Let's pursue to make our WTSP Catalogs Attractive and


     We just need Attractive and Useful introductions of  Attractive and Useful Web sites in the world.

     We should invite owners (or any keyperson) who are proud of their sites being Attractive and Useful (for many

     readers/users) to describe Attractive and Useful introductions of their sites and to contribute them to the WTSP Catalogs.

     If you are ordinary readers/users of TRIZ supporting our WTSP project, please send emails to your leaders and site

     owners for encouraging them.

     For the site description we so far used

     (a) Single line in the Index table of the WTSP Catalogs

     (b) Site Description in the Standard Format (1 page of A4)

     We now have introduced

     (c) Close introduction of the site in a free format (about 2-5 pages of A4).

     Introduction of my site [1] is a sample I made, even though it becomes larger (about 15 pages) than usual.

     I hope the sample [1] is Attractive and Useful for many readers/users.

     Styles of site introduction may be chosen differently depending on the nature of the sites.

     Once 5 or 10 sites demonstrate such Attractive and Useful introductions of sites, then many more sites will follow.

     (This is the expectation from the "20 - 80 % rule".)

Looking forward to hearing from you and working with you, Together ! Connected !!

Best wishes,



E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [Main email address. for receiving.]

       This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   [for sending]

Editor of the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":


Director of CrePS Institute:    Publication of "TRIZ Practices and Benefits" book series  (in Japanese)

   3-1-13 Eirakudai, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0086, Japan.
