Updated:  1 October 2019



Toru Nakagawa (WTSP Project Leader)Toru Nakagawa.148


Dear WTSP Members,

I have completed the Sept. 30, 2019 Version of the WTSP Catalogs

   and have uploaded the set in "TRIZ Home Page in Japan".

   (C) World AROUND-TRIZ Sites Basic Index (◎○): Completed

   (A) World TRIZ Sites Basic Index (◎○): Minor revision

   (B) World TRIZ Sites Extended Index (◎○□):  No trial


[1]  World WTSP Catalogs:

       (C) World Around-TRIZ Sites Basic Index (◎○) Toru Nakagawa     Sept. 30, 2019


    WTSP Catalog of "AROUND-TRIZ" Web sites in the world has been

    completed and posted as an important component of the Revised

    Preliminary Version (Sept. 30, 2019) of the WTSP World TRIZ-related Sites Catalogs .

    This reflects our philosophy that we should think and work

    with a wider scope not limited to (classical and modernized) TRIZ

    but covering various methodologies and practices having common purposes and goals.

    So we made intensive Internet surveys with the keywords including:

       Creative Thinking Method,  Creative Problem Solve;

       Innovation process/strategy,


       Patent/Intellectual property, etc.

    In 6 cases of surveys, we detected 1,008 sites in total and

    visited them one by one for understanding them roughly.

    Thus we got and evaluated as ◎ 36 sites, ○ 137 sites, and

    □ 287 sites (allowing overlaps among the survey cases).

    In addition, for the sense of 'TRIZ inclusive", some of

    ◎○ sites in the area of TRIZ (especially having some extensions from TRIZ) are included.

    Also ◎○□ sites around TRIZ in Japan are also included

    for showing our intention of the scope.

    In the present 'World Around-TRIZ Sites Basic Index',

    we took the ◎○ sites and categorized and arranged them

    according to their (main) roles of sites.

    The categories are:

      (a) Information sending sites,  (b) Promoter organizations,

      (c) Public organizations, (d) Academia,

      (e) Developer organizations, (e5) Training organizations,

      (f) Publishing organizations, (g) Information sharing,

      (h) User organizations,   (i) Personal.

    The present version includes

        ◎ 34 sites, ○ 128 sites, and □ 13 sites.

    All the sites are described to some extents mostly by using

    the excerpts of the top pages or 'About us' pages of the sites.

  -- All these sites in the WTSP Catalogs are valuable and

        useful information sources with respect to TRIZ and

        related methods.

     All of us, from beginners to experts in some of these areas,

     can learn much from them and may introduce them to many

     people in the world.

[2] Minor revision of (A) World TRIZ Sites Basic Index (◎○)


    During last August and September, I have received the WTSP

    manuscripts only from the Russian language (RUL) Team.

    Michael Orloff revised his table (submitted in July) by adding

      2 new sites and updating the description of 1 site.

    For the purpose of making a well balanced (C) Around-TRIZ

    Index, I selected several ◎○ TRIZ sites (including 2 new

    ones) and wrote introductions of them.

    These are the only revisions we did on the World TRIZ Sites Index.

    --- The present (A) World TRIZ Sites Basic Index is poor

        in comparison to the desirable one (and even to our (C) Index).

        Many important and useful TRIZ sites are missing.

        because the manuscripts are contributed by only 4 country

        teams (among 30-40 countries).

        Individual sites are not described/introduced enough to understand their natures and features.

Please take a glance of our WTSP Catalogs, especially (A) and (C).

We are going to give a presentation of the WTSP Project on Oct. 10, 2019 at the ETRIA TFC in Marrakech, Morocco.

   We wish to have your feedback on the Catalogs and on the project.

   Let's work Together !  Connected !!

   But how can we really work  Together ?  Connected ??

Best wishes,



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Editor of the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":


Director of CrePS Institute:    Publication of "TRIZ Practices and Benefits" book series  (in Japanese)

   3-1-13 Eirakudai, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0086, Japan.
