Updated: 15 July 2019
WTSP Letter: (12M-1AB) World WTSP Catalog (Japan Part); Please submit your WTSP Manuscripts (of ◎○ sites) by Jul. 28 (Sun).
Dear WTSP Members,
Hello, how are you?
I hope you and your group are fine and busy in various activities, as ever.
We have less than 3 months left before the ETRIA TFC2019 (Oct. 9-11) when we are going to present the World WTSP Catalogs.
Our WTSP activities are much delayed, or even have not started yet, in many countries.
Reflecting the situations myself, I think that many people do not have clear image of the World WTSP Catalogs.
How do they look like? what sort of Web sites are actually shown? how useful are they? how much efforts do we need for preparing them? etc.
So I decided to show examples:
"World WTSP Catalog (Japan Part)" (containing 26 sites)
in place of the "Japan WTSP Catalog" which I posted in Apr. last year.
The Catalog is posted in my Web site, in the completed form containing the Index and Descriptions of Sites as a Web page.
They are very close to the Manuscripts in Excel and in Word.
You can easily understand how they are built.
First preliminary version of "World WTSP Catalogs" will be posted on Aug. 4, 2019, in the form of a completed Web site.
This version will include only the ◎ (Most important) and ○ (Important) sites, using the Manuscripts submitted by Jul. 28, 2019.
Please submit the information of highly recommendable sites in your country (or anywhere in the world) in the format
specified in our WTSP Practice Guide.
Second preliminary version of "World WTSP Catalogs" will be posted on Sept. 30, 2019, in the form of a completed Web site.
This version will include all the ◎ (Most important),
○ (Important), and □ (Worthy of World Catalog) sites, using the Manuscripts submitted by Sept. 15, 2019.
Please submit your Manuscripts before this due date Sept. 15.
I have just updated my Web site: "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":
[1] Short Summary of WTSP Practice Guide:
Practice Guide to Complete the World WTSP Catalogs
(Toru Nakagawa) (Jul. 7; Jul. 14, 2019)
Short Summary is posted for the WTSP Practice Guide .
Structure of World WTSP Catalogs is shown, and the documents expected from each country as the country part of the WTSP
Catalog are described along with the practical preparation process.
We cordially invite you to join this voluntary project for promoting TRIZ and related methodologies further in the world.
The final form of WTSP Catalogs has been changed from PDF (with links) to HTML (with hyperlinks).
See the figure attached here.
Two-step schedule for preparation is announced:
World WTSP Catalog of ◎○ sites (Manuscripts due: Jul. 28, 2019; Posting: Aug. 4, 2019);
World WTSP Catalogs of ◎○□ sites (Manuscripts due: Sept. 15, 2019; Posting: Sept. 30, 2019).
(Jul. 14, 2019)
[2] World WTSP Catalogs (Japan Part):
WTSP Catalog of TRIZ-related Sites in Japan for the people in the whole world (Toru Nakagawa)
Japan Part of the World WTSP Catalogs has been demonstrated in the new page.
This posting has 3 intentions:
(1) 'The Catalog of TRIZ-related Sites in Japan' posted
last year in English was the English translation of 'Japan WTSP Catalogs' for the people in Japan .
Using the WTSP criteria, all the sites are re-evaluated;
◎〇□ sites to be shown in the World WTSP Catalogs (for all the people in the world),
while ◎〇□ and △ sites in the Japan WTSP Catalogs (for people in Japan).
This sort of differences in the WTSP criteria between World and Country should be recognized in every country.
(2) The new page demonstrates the manuscripts to be prepared by WTSP Teams in every country
(i.e., Flat Table of Sites (in .xlsx) and Descriptions of Sites (in .docx)), and at the same time a completed WTSP Catalog
as a small Web site (i.e., Index page (in .html) and Descriptions of Sites page (in .html) connected with many hyperlinks).
The final form of the World WTSP Catalog is expected to be
the integration of many World WTSP Catalogs (Individual Part)
coming from Country Teams and Top-down Surveys.
Flat Tables of Sites are integrated into a single Flat Table
in Excel, and it is sorted/re-arranged in Excel to form
a suitable Index page in HTML.
The 'Descriptions of Sites' files are converted into HTML
files and are simply gathered in a folder.
(3) For Completing the World WTSP Catalogs before TFC2019,
I am planning the following 2 steps .
(Step 1) Using the manuscripts submitted by Jul. 28,
I am going to make a World WTSP Catalog containing
the sites ◎〇 only and post it around Aug. 4.
(Step 2) Using the manuscripts submitted by Sept. 15,
I am going to make the World WTSP Catalogs containing the sites ◎〇□ and post them around Sept. 30.
I wish many TRIZ colleagues in the world to contribute their WTSP manuscripts by following the WTSP Practice Guide .
The present page illustrates the manuscripts and the prototype of the completed World WTSP Catalogs.
Please refer to the following 2 WTSP pages also:
(A2) WTSP Organizations: List of Members and their Roles
(A6-A) Current Working Manuscripts of WTSP Catalogs
Let's work Together ! Connected !!
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Best wishes,
Toru Nakagawa, Dr., Professor Emeritus, Osaka Gakuin University
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [Main email address. For receiving.]
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [For sending (& receiving)]
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [For sending Update Announcements] Editor of the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":
Project Leader of World TRIZ Sites Project (WTSP) Director of CrePS Institute:
Publication of "TRIZ Practices and Benefits" book series
(in Japanese)
3-1-13 Eirakudai, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0086, Japan.
Phone & FAX: +81-4-7167-7403
> Jul. 6, 2019 Toru Nakagawa (WTSP Project Leader)
> Dear WTSP Members,
> I have just updated my Web site: "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":
> http://www.osaka-gu.ac.jp/php/nakagawa/TRIZ/eTRIZ/
> [1] Survey (3C) of TRIZ-related Sites in a wider scope
> with the keywords: Innovation (Process etc)
> (Toru Nakagawa)
> The main theme has been further extended to the hot
> and big topic of Innovation.
> For putting stress on its methodological aspects, either
> one of the keywords Process, Strategy, Method, Management,
> and Technology is requested in the survey.
> The survey outputs many useful Web sites, most of them are
> not covered with the previous survey results.
> Among the 207 sites, I evaluated as
> ◎ Most important-- 3 sites (including 3 L sites),
> ○ Important------- 36 sites (including 11 L sites),
> □ World Catalog --- 78 sites (including 8 L sites),
> △ Country Catalog-- 70 sites (including 0 L site), and
> - Irrelevant ------ 19 sites.
> The sites are shown in the HTML page and in the .docx file.
> See also the sample description of the ◎ and ○ sites
> in the HTML page.
> Note the evaluations are tentative, and need to be
> reviewed by people familiar in these wider fields.
> Also please note:
> (A6-A) Current Working Manuscripts of WTSP Catalogs
> (A) WTSP Catalog Manuscripts: by bottom-up approaches
> Shown for each country
> (B) WTSP Catalog Manuscripts: by top-down approaches
> For the whole world, in major languages,
> in various fields around TRIZ
> Manuscripts of the WTSP Catalogs are to be built,
> reviewed, and revised openly.
> Information, suggestions, revisions, etc are welcome.
> Please communicate with some nearby WTSP members or
> directly to the Project Leader.
> Let's work Together ! Connected !!
> Looking forward to hearing from you,
> Best wishes,
> Toru
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Toru Nakagawa, Dr., Professor Emeritus, Osaka Gakuin University
> E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [Main email address. For receiving.]
> This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [For sending (& receiving)]
> This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [For sending Update Announcements]
> Editor of the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":
> http://www.osaka-gu.ac.jp/php/nakagawa/TRIZ/eTRIZ/">URL:http://www.osaka-gu.ac.jp/php/nakagawa/TRIZ/eTRIZ/
> Project Leader of World TRIZ Sites Project (WTSP) Director of CrePS
> Institute:
> Publication of "TRIZ Practices and Benefits" book series
> (in Japanese)
> 3-1-13 Eirakudai, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0086, Japan.
> Phone & FAX: +81-4-7167-7403
> --------------------------------------------------------------->