Updated: 10 June 2019

WTSPToru Nakagawa.148


Toru Nakagawa (WTSP Project Leader    

             Jun. 10, 2019 Toru Nakagawa (WTSP Project Leader)

Dear WTSP Members,

I have just posted an important WTSP articles

   in the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan".


   We are behind the time schedule, but surely we can achieve

   our goal by following this Practice Guide.


[1] Practice Guide to Complete the World WTSP Catalogs and

     to Report It at ETRIA TFC2019           (Toru Nakagawa)

     This article is our Practice Guide for completing our

     World WTSP Catalogs before TFC2019 (to be held on

     Oct. 9-11, 2019 at Marrakech, Morocco).

     It is based on the last two sections of our

     recently-submitted TFC2019 paper (written in black fonts),

     which reflects our recent discussions .

     To make this an effective Practice Guide, I have added various notes,

     referring to existing information (in green fonts) and mentioning new and detailed information (in blue fonts).

     Practice Guide is written step by step with the contents:

     Practical Approaches for Completing the World WTSP Catalogs

  1. Reconsidering the difficulties
  2. To get more WTSP Members and form WTSP Teams in every country
  1. To list up and survey TRIZ-related Web sites
  2. To visit individual sites to understand, describe, and evaluate them step by step
  1. To write and review manuscripts of the Country WTSP Catalog
  2. To integrate and build the World WTSP Catalogs

     Concluding Remarks: What is most crucial for the success of WTSP?

     This article has 2 important findings.

   (a) I have obtained a clear and practical technical vision

       of World WTSP Catalogs in the form of Interactive Edition;

       composed of the Index file (.pdf) and many (Country) List

       of Sites files (.pdf), where both types of files can be built and updated easily.

         See the Figure n the right.WTPS files.186

   (b) Forming WTSP Teams with Country Editors in every country

       is most crucial for the success of WTSP.

   We eagerly wish to work Together ! Connected !! with you

   for further proliferation of TRIZ and related methodologies.

   Please feed us back any of your questions, comments,

   suggestions, and reports.

   Best wishes,



Toru Nakagawa,  Dr.,  Professor Emeritus, Osaka Gakuin University

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [Main email address.  For receiving.]

         This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [For sending (& receiving)]

         This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [For sending Update Announcements] Editor of the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":


Project Leader of World TRIZ Sites Project (WTSP) Director of CrePS Institute:

     Publication of "TRIZ Practices and Benefits" book series

       (in Japanese)

    3-1-13 Eirakudai, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0086, Japan.

    Phone & FAX:  +81-4-7167-7403
