Updated: 25 May 2019


Dear TRIZ Leaders/Colleagues,

       Toru Nakagawa,   Professor Emeritus, Osaka Gakuin University

"TRIZ Home Page in Japan" has been updated in English and Japanese pages

     on Apr. 9, May 18, and May 24, 2019


[1] WTSP Mails and Letters: Apr. 2019       (Apr. 9)

[2] Preliminary Internet Searches (3) in wider scopes (Toru Nakagawa)   (May 18)

[3] Proposal of WTSP Database System (Toru Nakagawa) (May 24)


[1] WTSP Mails and Letters: Apr. 2019

[2] Preliminary Internet Searches (3) in wider scopes  (Toru Nakagawa)

   I started the '3rd round' of surveys of TRIZ-related sites in wider scopes by using keywords different from TRIZ.

   At moment, I am going to focus the sites written in English and located in the whole world.

   The choice of the keywords is important and delicate.

   We will need several (or many) sets of keywords for the survey, on some trial basis.

   Since we are surveying in a wider scope, we have to check many more sites and select useful sites from them.

   This requires us hard work in somewhat not so familiar areas.

(3A) Search with the keywords: Creat* Think* Method*

   I used the Keywords with the wild card *.

   The Yahoo.Japan search engine interpreted the keywords

   much widely such as: (Create, Creative, Make, Build, etc.)

   AND (Think, Thinking, Thoughts, feel, believe, etc.)

   AND (Method, Tool, Technique, Way, etc.).

   Thus the outputs are much diluted.

   Evaluating the sites quickly, I obtained the results:

   ◎ 1 site, ○ 4 sites, □ 15 sites, △ 3 sites, and - 84 sites.

(3A2) Search with the keywords: Creative Think Method

   This works well. Among the 194 sites, I evaluated as:

       ◎ Most important 1 site, ○ Important 15 sites,

       □ World Catalog 65 sites, △ Country Catalog 31 sites,

       L (Listed already elsewhere) 15 sites, and

       - Irrelevant 56 sites.

   The sites are shown in the HTML page and in the .docx file.

   See also the sample description of the ◎ and ○ sites.

   *** Several more searches may be necessary with different sets of keywords.

[3] Proposal of the WTSP Database System (Toru Nakagawa)

     This is a proposal to build "WTSP Database System".

     It accepts the description of individual Web sites in a

     standard format, containing the answers in the aspects of

     Location, Language, Role, Application phase, Application

     fields, Methods, and Evaluation.

     The key to our system is these Multiple sets of Indexing

     Schemes. {See the subsequent HTML page.]

     The System can generate WTSP Indexes and WTSP Catalogs in

     various ways of hierarchical classification and arrangements

     from these aspects, as specified by the control input.

     It also serves as an on-line Query System using the same

     mechanism of hierarchical classification.

     The proposal is written conceptually yet thoroughly for


     See the figure of the overall structure of the System

     attached here. [Gif file]

     Once having the WTSP Database System installed, we will

     be able to concentrate our efforts to survey and describe

     good Web sites in TRIZ and relevant methodologies.

We cordially invite you and your colleagues to our voluntary

   project WTSP for building Catalogs/Database of TRIZ-related

   Sites in the world.

   Let's work Together ! Connected !!

Best wishes,



Toru Nakagawa, Dr., Professor Emeritus, Osaka Gakuin University

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [Main email address. For receiving.]

         This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [For sending (& receiving)]

         This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [For sending Update Announcements] Editor of the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":


Project Leader of World TRIZ Sites Project (WTSP) Director of CrePS Institute:

     Publication of "TRIZ Practices and Benefits" book series

       (in Japanese)

   3-1-13 Eirakudai, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0086, Japan.

   Phone & FAX: +81-4-7167-7403
