Updated:  31 March 2019


Dear TRIZ Leaders/ Colleagues,

Photo-UST-Nakagawa-130927From : Toru Nakagawa, Professor Emeritus, Osaka Gakuin University 


"TRIZ Home Page in Japan" has been updated

   in English and Japanese pages

   on Mar. 18 and yesterday (dated Mar. 31, 2019).


In Tokyo, cherry blossoms are now in full bloom.Cherry Blossums Japan 1 April.060

   Enjoy the photo attached below.

     (A larger photo in the HP.)

[1] Preliminary Internet Searches (2)

       of TRIZ-related Sites in the world (Toru Nakagawa)

     (2A) sites written in English,

     (2B) in Russian (TN and Michael Orloff),

     (2C) in German,

     (2D) in French,

     (2E) in Spanish/Portuguese,

     (2F) the sites in USA written in English.


[1] Preliminary Internet Searches (2)

       of TRIZ-related Sites in the world (Toru Nakagawa)

       Surveys of TRIZ-related sites are carried out in a top-down

       approach by use of Internet Search engines.

       This series is named '2nd Round Preliminary Internet Search'.

       The searches are carried out for the TRIZ-related sites in

       the whole world written (2A) in English, (2B) in Russian,

       (2C) in German, (2D) in French, (2E) in Spanish/Portuguese,

       and also (2F) the sites in USA written in English.

       Processes of the internet search and further data handling

       for understanding and evaluating the sites are devised and

       described in detail.

       Quick visit of the sites and applying the Site search (i.e.,

       searching TRIZ-related pages inside the site) are used

       to understand and evaluate the sites.

       Evaluation of sites in 5 levels is introduced as:

         ◎ Most important,

         ○ Important, and

         □ Worthy in the World WTSP Catalog;

         △ Worthy in Country WTSP Catalogs; and

         - Irrelevant/neglected in the WTSP Catalogs.

       Classifying the site types with the roles of the site (owners)

       are also introduced.

      For confirming the survey strategy, the effectiveness of

       the 'Base Document' (i.e., the annotated list of 'Selected 120

       TRIZ Links in the world', which was compiled by Nakagawa in

       May 2008) has been examined.

       The present situations of the TRIZ-related sites in Europe

       listed in 2008 have been examined,

       to find that nearly half of them are gone/inactive while

       the other half are active and hence their descriptions

       10 years ago are now obsolete.

     Thus it is clear that we should carry out our surveys newly

       without trying to revise the old documents.

       Results of the surveys (2A) through (2F) are shown in detail

       in the HTML pages.

       The sites written in non-English languages are not evaluated

       yet because of language difficulty for me.

       Description of introductions of sites is left to be done

       by the collaboration of many TRIZ colleagues.

[2] Preliminary Internet Searches of TRIZ-related Sites

   (2A) written in English in the world (Toru Nakagawa)

       Internet search with Yahoo.Japan outputs 106 sites.

       Visiting sites quickly and applying the Site search,

       the sites are evaluated as:

         ◎ 6, ○ 13, □ 29, △ 33, - 25.

       In the HTML page, top 81 sites are listed with their

       Evaluation symbol, site name, site URL, and number of

       pages hit by Site search.

       Some more details are shown in the .docx file .

   (2B) written in Russian in the world (TN and Michael Orloff)

       Internet search outputs 106 sites.

       They are (listed in the HTML page) with page title and

       site name, site URL, and URL for site search;

       but no evaluation yet.

       Some more details in .docx

       Michael Orloff used various Internet searches together

       with his background knowledge, and listed

       the URLs of 26 Selected sites operated by TRIZ professionals,

       and 49 sites/pages of TRIZ users.

       He says: This list is not the best and last, but maybe not bad!.

       Posted both in HTML and in .docx .

   (2C) written in German in the world   (Toru Nakagawa)

       Internet search outputs 107 sites.

       They are (listed in the HTML page) with page title and site name,

       site URL, and URL for site search; but no evaluation yet.

       Irrelevant 7 sites are omitted. See .docx

   (2D) written in French in the world   (Toru Nakagawa)

       Internet search outputs 90 sites.

       They are (listed in the HTML page) with page title and site name,

       site URL, and URL for site search; but no evaluation yet.

       Irrelevant 8 sites are omitted. See .docx

   (2E) written in Spanish/Portuguese in the world (Toru Nakagawa)

       Internet search outputs 123 sites, but 73 of them are irrelevant

       because of a female singer's name Triz..

       50 sites are (listed in the HTML page) with page title and

       site name, site URL, and URL for site search;

       but no evaluation yet. See .docx

   (2F) written in English in USA (Toru Nakagawa)

       Interner search outputs 90 sites.

       Visiting sites quickly and applying the Site search,

       the sites are evaluated as:

         ◎ 6, ○ 11, □ 27, △24, -22.

       In the HTML page, top 68 sites are listed with their Evaluation

       symbol, site name, site URL, and number of pages hit by Site


       Some more details are shown in the .docx file .

[3] Examining the Changes in TRIZ-related Sites since 2008

         (in Europe as Samples) (Toru Nakagawa)

       Effectiveness of the annotated list of 'Selected 120 TRIZ Links

       in the world' (compiled by Nakagawa in May 2008) has been examined.

       And we get the conclusion that the list described 10 years ago

       is quite obsolete and we must carry out our surveys newly

       without trying to revise the old documents.

       See .docx

[4] WTSP Mails and Letters: Mar. - Apr. 2019   (till mid Mar.)

       (Editor: Toru Nakagawa (WTSP Project Leader))

       - An appeal was posted in Linked In

       - TRIZ Sites written in Russian language in the whole world

         are surveyed by Nakagawa, and listed by Michael Orloff.

         TRIZ sites written in English in the whole world are

         surveyed by Nakagawa.


Please take a look at the list of sites obtained in (2A) to (2F).

While compiling them, I myself have found many interesting and

     important sites which I did not know before.

At the same time, you may recognize some other good sites are

   missing in these lists.

Carrying out further surveys, describing the introductions of

     individual site, evaluating them, and editing them into

     World and Country WTSP Catalogs, are our jobs.

We have found a practical process for achieving our WTSP goals.

Let's work Together ! Connected !!

Best wishes,



Toru Nakagawa, Dr., Professor Emeritus, Osaka Gakuin University

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [Main email address. For receiving.]

         This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [For sending (& receiving)]

         This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [For sending Update Announcements] Editor of the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":


Project Leader of World TRIZ Sites Project (WTSP) Director of CrePS Institute:

     Publication of "TRIZ Practices and Benefits" book series

       (in Japanese)

   3-1-13 Eirakudai, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0086, Japan.

   Phone & FAX: +81-4-7167-7403
