Updated:  20 October 2018


Dear TRIZ Leaders/Colleagues,Nakagawa 130927

    Toru Nakagawa

         Professor Emeritus, Osaka Gakuin University

"TRIZ Home Page in Japan" was updated on Oct. 10 and last night

   (dated Oct. 19) in English and Japanese pages.


[1] The Fourth Collection of Papers Written by Toshio Takahara

   (2016 - 2018)

      (11 papers, by Toshio Takahara)

[2] A Working Research Note on Philosophy (2018):

     A Note on the Principle of Way of Life Based on

     Contradiction Model and Radical Enumerable Thinking

       (Toshio Takahara)

[3] Letters from Readers(Jun. - Aug. 2018)

[4] Letters from Readers(Sept. - Oct. 2018)

     Communications on WTSP with TRIZ leaders in Germany,

     Russia, etc.

[5] Visiting Mr. Yasuyuki Takaguchi, ex-Chief Priest,

   of Isshinji Temple in Osaka   (Toru Nakagawa)

Photos of traditional fireworks and Isshinji Hall.    Nakagawa.129


[1] Basic Theory:

   The Fourth Collection of Papers Written by Toshio Takahara

   (2016 - 2018) : "Theory of Resolving Differences (4)

   Radical Enumerable Thinking and Contradiction Model

   for the Way of Life"

       (Toshio Takahara)

   "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" has been publishing all the papers

   presented by Toshio Takahara since 2003, resulting 47 papers

   in total for these 15 years.

   This 4th Collection covers all the 11 papers published by

   the author from 2016 to 2018 in relation to TRIZ in a wider


   Most of them are written in Japanese and some in English.

   All the documents are posted here in PDF with links, and

   some important ones are posted in HTML pages as well.  

   The author is trying to think over everything radically,

   generally, and systematically for building his original

   system of theories.

   Thus he defines/re-defines various concepts and terms, which

   make his theory not easy to understand for readers at first.

   For getting introduced, you may read the introductions (or

   Editor's note by Nakagawa) to the the Collection

   (1)(2003-2007) , Collection (2)(2008-2012) , and

   Collection (3)(2013-2015) of Takahara's Papers.

   In English pages, the paper presented at FIT2016 was

   published in Nov. 2016, and another presented at FIT2017 is

   now posted separately.

   The most important document in the 4th Collection is the

   Working Research Note (2018), shown below in [2].


[2] "A Working Research Note on Philosophy (2018):

   A Note on the Principle of Way of Life of Homo Sapiens

   Based on Contradiction Model and Radical Enumerable Thinking " (Toshio Takahara)

   Contributed to TRIZ Home Page in Japan on Apr. 12, 2018;

   Revised on Jun. 13, 2018; Posted on Aug. 30, 2018.

   Further revised on Sept. 16, 2018 and Posted on Oct. 10, 2018.

   This is an up-to-date working research note written by

   Toshio Takahara in Japanese for the purpose of describing

   his system of theories as closely as possible.

   Because of its big volume (over 80 pages), it is published

   here in four parts besides a top page.

   Abstract written by the author in English (in 5 pages) is

   posted in HTML and in PDF

   Concept of Radical Enumerable Thinking (RET) and

   Contradictions (especially the Contradiction of Unity) are

   his main methods for investigation.

   His up-to-date understanding (in Mar. 2018) of these concepts

   are described in Part 1 and Part 2.

   Then in Part 3 he writes, Objectization (= analysis, seeing

   objectively, individualization, liberty, criticism, etc.)

   and Unification (= synthesis, taking subjectively,

   integration, love, modesty, etc.) should be used repeatedly,

   hierarchically, with nesting, etc. for the purpose of

   Resolution of Differences (i.e., problem solving, task achieving, etc.).

   And it forms the basis of our ways of living, he says.

   He also writes often about the importance of understanding

   the overview of human history (and its significance),

   such as the significance of the beginning of barter, and

   of agricultural revolution and industrial revolution as energy revolutions.

   In its Part 4, he writes a preparatory discussion on post-capitalism.

   The author describes his various insights clearly.

Top page (Abstract, Table of Contents, Conclcusion, References)


Part 1. Radical Enumerable Thinking (Mar. 2018)

Part 2. Contradiction Model (Mar. 2018)

Part 3. World View and Value Generating Sense of Object

         (Liberty) and Sense of Unity (Modesty and Love)

Part 4. On Artificial Intelligence, Logics in the Universe,

         Unified Theory of Humans, and Preparation for Post-Capitalism


[3] TRIZ Forum: Letters from Readers(Jun. - Aug. 2018)[English page] Toru Nakagawa

   The Update Announcements of this home page are recorded.

   During this period, appeals for working together in the WTSP

   project are main activities.

   Emails were sent to many TRIZ leaders in various countires,

   and responses were received.  But they are not disclosed here.

   Nakagawa posted his papers on the "Principal Contradiction

   of Human Culture: 'Liberty vs Love' Contradiction and Ethics"

   presented at (2C) ETRIA TFC2107, (2D) TRIZ Home Page in Japan, and (3A) ICCI2018.

[Japanese page ] Toru Nakagawa; Tomomi Murata, Yasumasa Ikezoe, Tadasuke Mizutani

   The HP Update Announcements are recorded here in Japanese.

  1. Murata sent me several photos of traditional fireworks

   (of 16th century style) performed at Yoshida Shrine in  Toyohashi City.

  1. Ikezoe and T. Mizutani commented on my works of Principal Contradiciton.


[4] TRIZ Forum: Letters from Readers(Sept. - Oct. 2018)

[English page] Toru Nakagawa; Robert Adunka (Germany),

   Bohuslav Busov (Czech Republic), Shireen Al-Jaouni

   (Palestine), Anatoly Guin (Russia), Nikolay Shpakovsky (Russia), and Elena Guin (Russia)

   Update Announcements of this home page contain mainly

   Collection of T. Takahara's Papers (2016-2018), WTSP paper

   presented at Japan TRIZ Symposium, and results of Preliminary

   Internet Searches in individual (33+) countries.

   Since late September, TRIZ leaders in Germany, Czech,

   Russia, etc. responded to me to make some trials of

   surveying TRIZ related Web sites in their countries.

   WTSP seems to be starting its activities slowly.

[Japanese page] Toru Nakagawa; Katsushige Hino, Toshio Takahara

   The 4th Collection of Toshio Takahara's Papers (2016-2018),

   containig 11 papers, is the important articles in Japanese during this period.

   Takahara's Research Note 2018 has over 80 A4 pages and is posted in 4 parts.

   Hino comments on Takahara, resulting in a nice discussion.


[5] Forum: Visiting Mr. Yasuyuki Takaguchi, ex-Chief Priest,

   of Isshinji Temple in Osaka

     (Yasuyuki Takaguchi, Toru Nakagawa)

   On Sept. 9 and 10, I visited Mr. Yasuyuki Takaguchi,

   ex-Chief Priest, of Isshinji Temple in Osaka City.

   He is one of my best friends studying together at Koyo Gakuin,

   Junior and Senior High School, in Nishinomiya City, Hyogo

   Prefecture, playing (soft) tennis in a pair.

   He studied Architecture at Kyoto University, and later

   happened to become Chief Priest of Isshinji Temple (Jodo Shu

   in Budhism), and worked as Professor at Nara Women University

   and operated an office as the owner Architect, all at the same time.

   Since he and I were working in different fields and living

   in different areas in Japan, we did not have so much chances

   of talking deeply even though we knew the hard working of each other.

   In the visit this time, I re-recognized his personality and great achievements.

   So I asked him to contribute a series of articles on his

   thoughts, activities, and achievements, to TRIZ Home Page in Japan.

   Please take a look at the photo attached here.

   It shows the inside of a hall 'Sanzen-Butsu-Do', designed

   and built by Rev. Takaguchi in 2002.

   He writes:

   "This Hall is built just outside of the traditional

   Isshinji campus, facing to a public street and is open

   everyday from 9:00 to 16:00 for everybody freely,

   symbolizing an Open Temple.

   You may encounter with (or be embraced by) Amida Butsu (in

   the center) and Kannon Bosatsu and Seshi Bosatsu, who have

   come to save you over the peaks of Himalayas.

   I wanted to build a Budhist Hall with a brilliant chancel

   and with sky lights coming down through a high ceiling  window.

   For designing such a Hall, I visited Budhist halls in India,

   Islamic halls in Turkey, and Byzantine style Christian church

   in Venice, etc. and extracted the atmosphere common to them."

   When I stepped in, I gasped in wonder, and while sitting

   quietly alone, I felt myself being purified.


Looking forward to seeing many of you again soon at ETRIA

TRIZ Future Conference (TFC2018) in Strasbourg, France.


Best wishes always,

Toru Nakagawa


Please visit our website for more information about these Innovation and TRIZ  topics.


Toru Nakagawa, Dr., Professor Emeritus, Osaka Gakuin University

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   [The same as before retirement]

Editor of the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":

   URL: http://www.osaka-gu.ac.jp/php/nakagawa/TRIZ/eTRIZ/

Director of CrePS Institute: URL: http://crepsinst.jp/ (Office & Home) 3-1-13 Eirakudai, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0086, Japan.

       Phone & FAX: +81-4-7167-7403
