Stop learning to innovate through trial and error

Learn TRIZ, a methodology developed by Genrick Altshuller for solving problems more efficiently and intuitively.

Over ten years ago Ideation research group delivered a comprehensive paper “TRIZ Beyond Technology: The theory and practice of applying TRIZ to non-technical areas”[1]. The paper included available at that time theoretical base for applying TRIZ to solve problems in business, management, marketing, organizational development, education, arts, etc. Since then, the work has been continued; the proposed paper is going to address the new findings in non-technical applications of TRIZ, in particular:

·        Non-linear net-like relationships in evolution of complex social systems (organizations, enterprises, etc.).

·        Interactions between general and specific evolutionary patterns in social systems

·        Self-organized criticality and organizational crises

·         Co-evolution of business and technological aspects and their optimization

·        Analysis of a company evolution along its S-curve based on 26 specific parameters and formulating directions for business improvement.

·        Evaluation of a company’s intellectual property based on 36 specific parameters and formulating directions for its enhancement.

·        Applying multiple knowledge bases for addressing problems of business and IP improvement.

·        Strategic management targeting achievement of organizational vision and mission.

The paper will also include the main analytical processes and practical recommendations on conducting TRIZ business analysis. 

[1] Zlotin, Boris, Alla Zusman, Len Kaplan, Svetlana Visnepolschi, Vladimir Proseanic and Sergey Malkin.  TRIZ beyond Technology.  The theory and practice of applying TRIZ to non-technical areas.  Proceedings of TRIZCON 2000, pp. 135-176.

Photo of Boris ZlotinMr. Zlotin received his MS in electrical engineering from St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia. He has over 30 years of experience in TRIZ and is widely recognized in the TRIZ community and considered one of the foremost theorists and TRIZ scientists in the world today. He is responsible for the majority of the advances made to the methodology to date. He facilitated solving of thousands of various problems, is the author or co-author of 15 books on TRIZ and several patents and has conducted numerous seminars, workshops, and lectures. He is the Chief scientist and VP at Ideation International Inc.

Photo of Alla ZusmanMs. Zusman received her MS in radio physics from St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia. She has over 14 years of experience in corporate R&D and over 25 years of experience as a TRIZ expert with patent education.  She is one of the main contributors to the development of TRIZ applications--specifically to ARIZ, the patterns of systems evolution, AFD and DE methodology, and the TRIZSoft® family of software. She is the author or co-author of 14 books on TRIZ and several patents and has conducted numerous seminars, workshops, and lectures. She is the Director of TRIZ products development at Ideation International Inc.



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