Benefits of TRIZ
I would like to say couple words about my understanding of TRIZ and TRIZ Technology for Innovation. I have reviewed my previous statements and wish to clarify my points.
1. TRIZ is a science of system development based on laws of systems evolution and the best practices of thousands of developers and scientists
2. TRIZ helps to realize the privilege and obligation each member of our society has to be a creative person and to live a creative life. At some point in the past, someone did something that makes our lives today more comfortable. We, in turn, should do something useful for the world now and for generations to come.
3. TRIZ increases the speed of system development and evolution. This is a primary a global function of TRIZ because technological evolution reflects and propels the development of our civilization.
4. TRIZ helps model problems that are not well defined into a specific problem that can be solved by any engineer.
5. TRIZ is a natural amplifier of our talents, knowledge and experience. Everything that we do in our life and any decision that we make will be better and more effective when we use TRIZ. TRIZ changes the people that learn and use it. They become more inventive and creative.
6. TRIZ has no limitations (except 1). It can be applied to any new or existing system undergoing development.
7. TRIZ has only one limitation … the limitations of the physical world. Even in this situation TRIZ can help find way to overcome scientific limitations.
8. TRIZ breaks Psychological Inertia, the main Innovation Killer.
9. TRIZ Technology for Innovation is the process of using all parts of TRIZ in combination with other proven methods and best practices of effective project teams for system development and problem solving.
10. TRIZ Technology for Innovation is applying through TRIZ Innovation Roadmaps for project creation and problem solving.
11. TRIZ Innovation Roadmap for Project Creation and Problem Solving is a combination of parts of TRIZ, along with other proven methods and best practices of effective project teams. When applied in the most effective sequence, it will achievement of best results for any given project or problem.
12. TRIZ Innovation Roadmap is a complete set of tools for the conceptual stage of product/process/service design.
This article was provided by Isak Bukhman, TRIZ Master and V.P. of Altshuller Institute, revised 7/20/13.