- to make the world around them make sense
- to identify problems and
- to generate solution concepts
In February of 1992, Mr. Langevin allied himself with Mr. Shulyak and helped to edit The Art of Inventing, the precursor to "And Suddenly the Inventor Appeared". He also assisted Mr. Shulyak in preparing presentations to various groups. He has studied Systematic Innovation, TRIZ, under the guidance of Mr. Shulyak, a TRIZ Master.
In 1998, Mr. Langevin became a Founder of the Altshuller Institute (AI). He continues to perform the administration and management of AI as the Executive Director and Treasurer.
In 1999, Mr. Langevin became the President of Technical Innovation Center, Inc. in charge of Administration, Training and Finance. He also continued teaching Systematic Innovation to corporate clients and developing new course material.
In 2004, Mr. Langevin became the CEO and principle owner of Technical Innovation Center Inc. His primary responsibilities included Administration, Finance, Marketing, Training and Product Development.
Currently, Technical Innovation Center has 5 books published on TRIZ methodology. The last book published was a TRIZ based science fiction book, "Ballad of the Stars" that was released in August 2006. There are several new books under development that could be used by middle and high school students to learn and practice TRIZ.