Knowledge Based Tools for Software Supported Innovation and Problem Solving
Boris Zlotin, Alla Zusman, Ron Fulbright
The need to provide certain support in utilizing TRIZ was first recognized by the TRIZ founder Genrich Altshuller who in the mid-1960s built an electromechanical version of the Contradiction Table with the Innovation Principles. In the mid-1980s, the emergence of personal computers allowed for the computerization of selected instruments of Classical TRIZ (principles, standards, effects) conducted under the leadership of Valery Tsourikov. Since 1989 two of the authors have led Kishinev TRIZ School and later Ideation International (USA) in developing and implementing their own approach to TRIZ computerization. This approach included the following steps:
1. Identifying all needs related to problem solving and innovation and development of a comprehensive set of applications that will address these needs
2. Development of computer-compatible processes for each application
3. Collection, refinement and structuring knowledge bases for each application.
This approach resulted in development of the Ideation Office of Innovation, including the following applications supported by the family of TRIZ-based software (TRIZSoft®):
  • Inventive Problem Solving (IPS) – solving difficult problems and improvements in existing technical systems related to design, research and development, manufacturing, safety, reliability, and quality assurance.
  • Anticipatory Failure Determination (AFD) – pro-active process for analyzing, predicting and eliminating failures in systems, products, and processes.
  • Directed Evolution® (DE) – predicting next generations of products, services and technologies via inventing and developing a comprehensive set of scenarios describing future generations of a system.
  • Evaluation and Enhancement of Intellectual Property (IP) related to proprietary technologies, inventions, patents and patent portfolios.
The paper is describing several knowledge bases of different level of complexity to support Inventive Problem Solving application that could be utilized with or without the software.