Altshuller Institute -- TRIZ Specialist Certification

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 Main Provisions


The candidate must be a full member of Altshuller Institute (AI) in good satnding and hold a certificate of TRIZ Practitioner from AI. He or she must submit verifiable evidence of practical application of TRIZ with at least two years of experience (e.g., patents, papers containing descriptions of technological challenges and their solutions, affidavits from workplace, etc.)



1. The applicant should present a certification thesis containing a detailed TRIZ analysis of a real-world technological challenge.

2. The certification thesis should have the following sections:

  • Project description (including project objectives and major constrains)
  • List of analytical tools of TRIZ (e.g., function analysis, cause-effect analysis, etc.) used in the project (including the justification for selecting each of the tools)
  • List of problems formulated during the project analysis
  • TRIZ analyses of the formulated problems
  • Solution description
  • Optional: any information on solution implementation.

3. In case of ongoing confidentiality obligations, the applicant can present a sanitized description of the project and the developed solutions.

4. The certification thesis should be submitted to the AI Certification Board at least 8 weeks prior to the thesis defense date. These dates will be posted on the AI website

5. The Certification Board informs the applicant about the acceptance of the certification thesis no later than 15 business days prior to the thesis defense date.

6. Thesis defense can be conducted in person or via teleconference (Skype, Webex, etc.). The interview will be conducted by a minimum of 3 AI Certification Board Members. Decision of the presiding members will be final in a pass or fail basis. Decision of the members will be published no later than 14 days after the defense date.

7. Fee - $800. The certification application, certification fee and thesis should be submitted to AI via email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) If you need to mail hardcopy of documents, they should be sent to:

Altshuller Institute
Attn: Certification Board
100 Barber Ave.
Worcester, MA 01606

If the thesis is rejected by the Certification Board, your fee will be returned less $100 for processing/review fees and any bank processing fees. If certification fees are paid by check, checks must be drawn from US banks. Credit card payments are encouraged and preferred.