Training 3: (CID&CPD)

On November 09, 2017
Categories: Training
Hits: 1040

Training 3: “Creative Imagination Development (CID) and Creative Person Development (CPD)”

CID will come with a set of exercises like analysis of known science fiction movies, ideas and stories. It will be shown, how such ideas can be generated intentionally and break the barrier of physical inertia. The CPD is based on the story of Jonathan Livingston Seagull story and explains the view Altshuller had on the requirements for a creative personality.

Training 3: “Creative Imagination Development (CID) and Creative Person Development (CPD)”

  • (CID) Great Discoveries Made Randomly and Late
  • (CID) Psychological Inertia is the Primary Innovation Killer
  • (CID) Crazy, Fantastic Idea and Situation Creation
  • (CPD) Formation of the creative person
  • (CPD) Higher to heaven and to perfection
  • (CPD) Be a teacher
  • Creative Personality Environment