FAST Diagrams: The Foundation for Creating Effective Function Models
John Borza
“A problem well stated is a problem half solved.” These words were uttered by Charles F. (Boss) Kettering nearly 75 years ago, yet are just as true today. Too many times, individuals and teams jump into problem solving activities without fully or properly defining what it is they really need to solve, or what factors or interactions within the problem area will create complications or prevent the obvious or ready solutions from being effective, or are perhaps even detrimental.

Function Analysis System Technique (FAST) diagramming is a tool that has been the mainstay of the Value Management profession since its introduction in 1965. FAST Diagrams provide a graphical representation of how functions are linked or work together in a system (product, or process) to deliver the intended goods or services. By focusing on functions, teams and individuals can focus on what is truly important and not be constrained by physical features of products or processes, leading to a better definition of the problem and a clearer path to a solutio.